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Something Between Us

Something Between Us

Author: museing

Chapter 1 | A Broken Heart Between Us

Word Count: 1358    |    Released on: 08/09/2021

smash that little piece of crap with my baseball bat. I allowed myself a few more minu

relationship with him. But damn that al

the bathroom. It was like being in th

my phone rang an

iend as I shoved a piece of pancake

d, her words faltering in the end. She s

y?" I asked as I quickly chewed and

. "I'm not okay!

imed. "Jesse du

," She said, not an

shoving the rest of my breakfast aside and grabb

. Probably by her locker, throwing away things that

He could be using you...like Jesse was using Claire. I'm glad as well as sad that he dumped

her locker, taking out b

ed indicating that she had been crying. A lot. And I hated that

, she took hold of my hand and pu

nna kill me with this

anything and ju

od. I didn't know what else to say. I thought this would make things slightly better but I guess I had a bad sense of

l me. What did he do?" I asked, p

eak up with me. He doesn't love me anymore! And now he has

e didn't deserve you anyways. Be h

h them?? Or do we hatch a revenge plot with them? Do we eat chocolate and have movie marathon with a box of tissues nearby with them? Or do we just leave

id, dragging her towards her first class.

e. Math was not the first subject I wanted on

ed Tyler. He was my friend and in

d morning." He g

r. And I mean never," I said, dro

I know. You are no

..sleepy. Why do I feel so slee

. After two more classes, I walked to

ly, she would be very bubbly and talkative, so much so that we had to tell her to sh

my friend back! I wanted to kill Jesse

couldn't just sit back and see her like that. And I needed her to move on faster from him because he was not w

to pull out. I drove to school everyday with Claire. I didn't mind picking a

e looked

ldn't be easy for you. But I don't want to see you waste time over him. He

hing I should tell you

couraged her

confessed, looking down in wh

ed, "I

before," She panicked. "Oh my God. Wh

you do. And the signs were somewhat clear," I said as I grabbed the steering

at one time, the condom tore o


tell me you

t. I am not.

you so sure

ancy test and i

th, relieved that

She muttered, star

like a complete jerk to me. He's not your life. And you can't move o

to get him out of my head," She said

nge will help?

over at me,

a repaint. I told her my plan and she brightened up a bit. Jesse deserved to be punished. He u

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