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Something Between Us

Chapter 4 | Payback Between Us

Word Count: 1192    |    Released on: 08/09/2021

n't forecast another revenge plan looming on the horizon. It

sterday. But even I couldn't be mad at her for too long and eventually I forgave

our lockers, retrieving our books for our fir


unish him for using

yesterday. I'm over him. And I want to avoid him as much as possible

ed. But that was exactly what I was e

that Brian is no

know. What

worked. He must be in hi

doing that to him! Even t

. He'll be

"I bette

plied and then I wa

s yesterday? One of them threw blue paint on him and t

e whole school knew about it. Darren, Josh and Tyler were laughing at this. How mean.

es on the food in front of her. She was biting her lower

hould have checked who it was. It was not Jesse. His asshole-ish behavior

gossiping about some other st

dered if I hit him that hard. If that was it, then I would definitely not try it

s with me. She was talking about Darren's party and she had finall

my Chemistry homework when an angry fist banged

s Jake. He was smirking at me which turned into a charming smile when he eyed Claire. When

," I spoke calmly, diverting my attention to Brian.

y but banged m

r me? Go break your

Do. That. To.

I am telling you for the hundredth tim

, y

arted speaking b

ept it was my mistake and I am apologizing to you again. I'm sorry. But you are ov

but I quickly told her that I

ss. Chemistry. My

e window, a few seats b

was explaining a reaction to us when t

" The teacher asked him.

an looked around to find a seat. Unfor

don't see me! Please-But he saw me. He smirked, wa

ssed. And Brian

g before me and I cou

spered. He did

ittle louder, poking

He tur

on of a head. I c

turned back to lo

avorite class in peace. Somebo

I backed my feet to keep them out of reach o

at to me? So I also

jerk. Stop

led. The bell rang an

lassmates all but ran out of the class,

he turne

u want to do th

siness," I repli

you know how much the bruise

I imitated his

ck his foot out and I tripped over it. If he hadn't caught me by my w

n his lap, cradling me like a baby whe

" I shouted

up," h

do you


pushing him away

istake messing with me. And

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