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The Devil and I

The Devil and I


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 2022    |    Released on: 19/09/2021

ing area her breath lingered in front of her like steam on a cold winter's day. The room was filled with people sitt

licked the light switch on emerging light from the light bulb that hung from the ceiling. A bath, toi

t fitting by a rope stung from there neck knotted tightly. There head flopping lifelessly to one side blood seeping away from th

nothing hidden behind it she walked carefully over to it, opening the door she walked in the room. At the end of the room stood a single bed it felt a lot warmer in this roo

said. Her voice

r blood red eyes, cuts over her face. 'Leave this house

e street where everyone was fighting. Louise began to wo

e was a gun pointing at

xt!' Someo

but the last catching her leg. Blood gushing out of the wound down her leg she limped ignoring the pain. She ran into the forest

ing her through the forest she had to g

at least the zombies weren't going to get her now, but would something else?! She walked through the waste ground headstones come into view as she walked deeper through the waste land she walked passed rows of headstones realising that she was in a grave yard, but why? It started to get hotter the further she walked passing millions of headstones

ered her hand into the open coffin the frail bony hand grabbed hers. She

pulled with him as she strugg

ouise s

e up!' Chris s

d stirring groggily he

ng met him, yet she felt so drawn to him. They'd


h fi

med to be doing a

e just a

l me about i



ve yo

s lips on her

an instant disliking to him on first sight and his friends wel

had found it hard to trust in him after that night he had promised her that it would never happen again and begged her to not leave him. The more time they spent together the more she felt it wasn't working though he had tried his hardest for it to, but his friends had become mo

on with a few of the others they were scared they all knew that

nning away Blake and Arron running after them


ou it were

s hell loo

thought you would

set u

' he l

ame hard acr

ucking joke it's Halloween gee you were always up f

prick Blake


ere both right tonight was a mi

taring the friends. 'Lo

y walked briskly away. Unaware t

eserved about whether or not he'd do it again. He'd stuck to his word and hadn't. But she still felt uneasy around him they'd argued

t Chris to seem a


ay he's a rugby player, bi

w c

n and dug a grave up and opened the casket the two girls screamed and ran he never stopped laugh

the rest of them?'

ls who went in with them who knows word is him and his better half called it

ths will cros

going Chris I have t

I'll see

Just tread

I wi

g eerily. He'd found the first of the friends that he'd

's path, his eyes follo

oing to happen. He followe

him, hood covering his face, he turned back and started walking faster, his heart racing, b

the darkness of the next corner. 'Blake.' I

s that


saw you for yea

m f

o I can give

over to making sure he stuck to his pl

o this stranger was. He hadn't seen Louise since they called it a day before their exams had began. This w

Blake by the scruff of his neck,

ing about the night in the graveyard and I'm sorry but it was really funny.' He lau

clothed stranger said. The

ed male looking straight back at him. 'W

s for havi

do you

rest of you

n't k


nest. I ain

d round Blake's neck d

oing? You can't

at him, pulling out photograph. His eyes

n't k

tighter. 'I'll

n't k

's neck. 'Are these your friends?' He


e are

. That was took at the end of sc

you s


ure?' Chri

olour, he looked at Blake whose

ry.' He said twisting hid nails further into

'Oh thanks for this I'll keep it as a memento.' He said slip

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