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A Walk To Our Forever

Chapter 4 What is Aamira's intention

Word Count: 1469    |    Released on: 04/10/2021

ink net-saree with her hairs loosely opened till her waist.Choora (bangles) was adorned in

ick her up after their marriage, according to the ri

.A glow which usually adorns the face of a newly wedded bride was missing.She was smiling but

ohi's cell rang with same unknown

curtly before disconnecting the call

should go."Aarohi said getting up from

our marriage so ask him to come inside."Mishti su

t my in-law's place as well.I will come to meet you regularly."Aarohi com

ly, Aarohi sat on passenger seat a

focusing on road while Aarohi open dashboard and took out a blue

May be mom can ask you about gift soo tell her that i already gave you."A

aith was totally focused on driving while Aarohi was bu

ng caught her eyes while Advaith frowned but still haulted his car at side.Aarohi got down and

(Indian sweet dish) which he immediately obliged.Thanking the shop-keeper a

n i was making kheer, Aashi told me that she loves Malai rabdi soo i thought of taking one for her."Aaroh

limb-down the car when Advaith said without looking at her "If u think that doing all this gesture

rs due to his harsh words, but in no

s is a pure relation, and i will give my 100% to this marriage."Aarohi said blankly before getting down the car with all the things not gi

jewellery box there in the dashbord its


fice and the scene unknowingly b

d."Aashi complained with pout as she was trying to make a prese

rst and then see it will tally."Aarohi hel

she saw Advaith still standing at main-door admiring them, while Aaro

n the middle of the entrance?"Abhiraj's question break the couple's mini eye-lock and that

tch glasses of water for both of them.Abhiraj took the glass w

table while Aashi replied "Mom had some work of NGO so she has gone the

mom is back."Abhiraj said suggestively before walking towards his room wher


re marriage then what have you thought about now?"Abh

s family didn't wanted me to work further soo i already resigned from there.And now i Have

ant you can resume your work.infact you can join Khurana Industries as you are already good in business

inely and the further dinner was almost


angrily only to be slapped

trap, and not to fall for him instead.You can't do even a sigle thing perfectly"

.What do you think that Advaith will forgive you once he will know that all this time you were just doing the act of loving him, that too on your father's orders!?And

me, then it will be a huge problem."Aamira murmured to he


when Advaith came and sat on bed waiting for Aarohi as h

on her side, Advaith called her

in what circumstances we got married and you also know that this is nothing but a compromise."Advaith started, shi

love each other and i cant stay without her.I know i am being selfish here but i--i mean i think that we-we should not continue such relation which has no destination.I am sure you are also not happy in this forced marriage a

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