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A Walk To Our Forever

Chapter 5 Aamira's truth and Aarohi's promise!!

Word Count: 2290    |    Released on: 04/10/2021

is crying mess and somewhere down his heart he wants to comfort her but

free from this ‘forced’ marriage or he should be sad for

ce and he went out to attend it, but no


alcony, she let her tears t

autiful bond with this family

ll sign them.”her own words rang into her e

dreamt of a perfe

erfect then wher

ho understands her and whom she loves but alas!,

yed such game at end moment and lef

n this ‘forced’ marriage, agai

ft hanged in the han

to take decision.She was also not ready for this marriage but still she was

ow her life is taking turns and twist without h

ears and went inside the room only to see A

bout to say more when Aarohi cutted him curtly saying, “You don’t need to give me any explanation.It isn’t your fault that we got married.It is just cruelty of my destiny otherwise my first marriag

rest.”Aarohi said and was about to take her pillows and blanket when advaith nervously said “yo

down on left side of bed while Advaith lay down on right si

Advaith was still awake.He wasn’t able to comprehe

happy y

laxed yet

d life with Aamira but at the same the

rough balcony.Her deep closed eyes which can bewitch anyone, while her buttoned nose which makes her look too cute to e

tion in his heart, but alas! His mind’s powe

front of her beauty, but he cannot betray the only girl he had a

oughts out of his mind,


er side of bed which was empty.He got up and as usual he loo

is not his regular coffee which he drinks from last many years and t

able when he saw his office-wear neatly arranged on couch with matching ti

king towards wardrobe and took out another pair of his offic

oom to see Aarohi doing s

making Aarohi flinch on sudden intervene but soon sh

to do all this work like an ideal wife.You are not my wife.”Advaith spitted roughly before

Aarohi took the file from cu

ng A

as we have this ‘Muh-dikhai’ rasam.And so no one is going office.”Priya informe

d rituals.”Advaith said while trying his best to not to loose his calm.Thi

are married so learn some responsibilities towards your

was your decision.And me and Aarohi have already decided that we are getting divorced.”Advaith may be fo

see her standing there with blank face,

good girl for you, then what problem do you have with her!?”Abhiraj said trying his best to maintain his calm but seems like advaith is not ready to hear anything and he replied in his loud voice-“Because it was Aaro

Priya slapped Advaith, may be for

ce raised her voice on him since his childhood, let alone raising

few minutes before her marriage.I agree that you are at no fault in all this but even Aarohi is also innocent.It isn’t her fault if her groom ran away from the marriage at the day of their marriage.I agree that this marriage was against your will but you could have given

tairs to his room closing door with bang

ned her hands infront of Aarohi not knowing what to say, whil

mily about any of this things untill everything get settled or else dad’s health will worsen.I am going into garden to get s



dn’t hold herself from checking on Aarohi came int

ad to anyone then why god is punishing me!!?”Finally Aarohi let down her gaurds in front

ife and you are not at any fault then he cannot punish you for no reasons.”Aashi exclaimed ang

also forced.Please don’t agree on this divorce.”Aashi pleaded at last making Aarohi frown while Aashi sighed before continuing,”Aamira is not right girl for bhai (brother).I don’t know if she really loves bhai (

od?”Aarohi asked frowning as she was not at all u

laundering business money for his personal use and he broke this partnership and filed case on uncle for which he

o loves him truly but I am sure that she is doing all this under pressure of Maloy uncle for our money.Sometimes I also heard Aamira bad-mouthing about mom-dad to bhai (brother) and she always forced bhai (brother) for marriage but bhai (brother) fir

out this.He wanted to tell them by himself as he knew that Mom will never say no to him for anything.And once Mom agrees, she will surely make dad also agree for bhai (Brother) and Aamira’s mar

Aarohi making her frown “please you promise me that you won’t give up on this marriage.Bhai (brother) looks li

t and her hope on Aarohi made her gave into this promise and sh

t agree to give this marriage a chance, then I m sorry Aashi but I ca

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