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Author: lemonade

Chapter 1 PLAN

Word Count: 842    |    Released on: 22/10/2021

ight—looking for someone, much like a lost child. After he found the person he

ke. Nadine who sat beside Charlie immediately gave hi

at the back. You can imagine how Rico's voice echoed in the cafeteria, the other children even glared at Rico with mur

ed at Rico who was running towards him. How come his

ie and pulled the bowl of meatballs in front of Charlie. "

and pulled back his bowl of meatb

stingy," Rico sa

ith a chili spoon. Nadine is really stupid, she contin

e and rioted at Charlie's table. They were so noi

a canteen," said Charlie, he felt like he really wa





Rico and Reza alternat


How about we go on vacation together?" everyo

sked. She shifted her plate of fried rice t

together! Next year, we can't do it!" Reza replied gasping, he spooned

of meatballs to the center of the table before saying, "Ahh yes. Next year Nadine and I

re still in second grade. Fathia too, she should still be i

maybe because Cheline is Charlie's cousin, or maybe because the eight of them are often in the same place

have been together since Charlie and Nadine in 2nd grade of high

beautiful, I'm stuffy every day when I see Michelle face,"

ho had been sitting quiet

far away. "Then, how about we go to my cousin's villa? The villa is luxurious, it's located richly on a hill. It's cl

ant his wallet to run out. Mor

d his eyebrows and pulled his shirt

odles. And this pretends to want to pay, another lu

Rico stood up and pointed at Marchel with a sauce spoon. Marchel? He's so stupid. "Don't worry bro

t us know if the villa is empty," Charlie said, okay~ low b

shouted while po

heir food before the bell

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