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Chapter 4 Arrived at villa

Word Count: 696    |    Released on: 22/10/2021

has no servants. The villa manager will also only send people to clean if the villa wants to be u

you are confused by our presence. We are only here by coincidence now is villa maintena

orrow morning. But, if you need us, just order anything to us

who said. And immediately got the

the room?” Charlie pulled his lu

o it’s just the two of them,” Rico replied as

ound and glaring at his brothers. “Watch out if you guys do weird th

are still aware of ag

d up in their respective rooms. They


as actually still confused about the waiter earlier. Before coming here, Rico had made sure that the


.” Rico whined because his

weird” Cheline crossed her arms over he

nd turned her back to him. “I was daydreaming. You’re n

t? Until I’m the one who’s been babbling since I’ve been ignored. I

l d

othes that Cheline was

m just tired. That’s why I was daydreaming. He

line and starte



clothes in the closet. Charlie wasn’t

ine kept her suitcase

d drank the water that was alre



r mouth and coughed “Cough coug

who had surprised her. But Nadine’s expression immediately changed when she s

ipping down his forehead. He looked like he had run a

ise when Nadine touched

at Charlie worriedly, she wiped the swe

t away, he was still catch


Charlie immediately changed the

ile, but then she nodded and

er? Am I just halluci

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