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Mystery Of Why The Universe We Created Explodes

Chapter 4 Jealousy, Jealousy

Word Count: 1180    |    Released on: 03/11/2021

s just a number on display. Warily, I answered the call. But the moment


walking back home. He asked for it so he can t

you doing?” I h

ed,” I grabbed the pair o

to my alarm and saw the bl

u mean early? It

idding me. Who the h

ther,” I heard him lau

sound coming from him. Fe

r when I remember what Drew said earlier.

you free tomorr


ie’s with my bestfrie

on’t know where is that C

e’s diner was just rece

h. Meet me he

ure, wh


I promptly turned off the lights

ow, there wasn’t that much of patrons occupying the table. Today’s Tuesda

ticed the same scenario as today, especially when it’s Tuesda

first. Good thing I brought Rhys with me, surely I would looked like a third wheel

texted me this morning about Melissa’s going. We bo

s nice. Hope the food

ste it," I playfully wi

bestfriend you’

But call him Drew he do

hy?” he cur

gious organization. And let’s just say that Drew’s

ith Melissa on his side, like talki

I said to make Rhys a

towards us. When they arrived at our table, Drew instantly cau

olding the distaste in his face. It’s a surprise that Rhys wasn’t affected abou

vited Rhys,” I said,

that," he inim

rew, my bestfriend,”

faces Drew

he offered his hand for a handshak

he grunted

unleashed came from but I do know he’s not like this t

dropped and was about to lower his hand when Melissa quickl

’s girlfriend,” she said, t

r that makes my discomfort subsides. Minutes of

ys begun to talk, mostly he’s talking to me. Drew

ing back here,” Rhys enthusiastically said and took a b

id who had tasted

mear of food on his cheeks beside his mouth bu

ked. I let out a loud laugh wh

, swear. You’re like a hungry baby devouring a food,” he grabs

d and go to the bathroom when I can just do it, so

It’s gone n

eaned but got stopped when he’s giving me the looks I can’t com

inst the table echoed throughout the room. I lo

e towards the direction of the bathr

morning,” Melissa said and abr

” I faced Rhys and gave

o, it’s

ollow my bestfriend but I don’t want to be rude and ende

g about menses just to lighten the mood but got reli

back. Rhys was talking when I felt my phone vibrates

cy. Pay for our meal, I’ll pay

w he wasn’t there anymore. There’s an exit door inside that lead at the back alley,

We’re going

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