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Mystery Of Why The Universe We Created Explodes

Chapter 2 The Beginning

Word Count: 982    |    Released on: 03/11/2021

f shells, and also watching the shrinking of the sun when at dusk. It was s

vacation at. It was the last time we spend the

ings they usually do, staying in the safety of their room and played video game, some even travel abroad, to their relatives and vis

re and stay for the rest of the summer, bringing a different and new kind of plan on h

n we saw it in one of the poster ads on the street. Drew, as bein

ive or swim, but I concurred and followed him. But to our great disap

and dragging me along, to plead my parents to talk his over it but just got disenchanted when the first word they

thing. How can sixteen years old still kids

ucking our favorite cookies in the trash, and waited till we t

ring my googles

where it’s hidden. Drew says he doesn’t want to do

ardly since we’re still going to practice on ho

ring a smirk on his face, he looked at me after he finished undressing. L

tain his laughter and I don’t have a

itted shorts, to his bulging crouch. I can

s doing this because he’s just making fun of me or because he enjoys making me uncomfortable, but I kn


out the rocks, making the poor

he deepest blue water shouted danger. It was deep. Drew clutch my hand and looked

I nodded my head, don’t

unt from one to three

, I nodded

ok a deep breath, filling my

squeeze back. A different and certain fee


nd and felt the raging air touch my heel. A powerful im

y was completely under water. But the forceful

usting, sure, but it was all worth it. Doing it wi

e fun, and visiting most of the local restaurants here wasn’t enough fo

le it slowly turned small in sight while the car w

tting next to me—as stupid or pathetic as this sounds—I can’t imagine spe

ng peacefully. He’s leaning his head on the window.

th Frank Sinatra’s Days of Wine and Roses on the stereo and the w

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