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Chapter 3 SELLINA

Word Count: 1976    |    Released on: 08/11/2021




that night i

n't even think that what was signed was a marriage document. She

ms to be a burden and doesn'

nd almost everyone's dream

the way he g

ince charming if sh

the habit but

so .. he stood up

don't! We're he

ties. And don't call me maam. I'm

know you

r face was kind. Her hair was curly and she had a mirror.

When he sees you helping with the housework" the old eding had just a

y. I can do

ecause sir's will instruc


rest daughter, we'

..but the old man was really

up to

e door. It's hard for a

first and put

ve this place..it can't just be like thi

eft earlier and went to the bar that he likes to go to whe

only acquaintance softly. She was sitting right in front of him while her thighs

nties..she is in a tube and has a pair of black jacke

to run away so the woman caught him and deliberately

just tell me!" Attractive lo

he stammered

ause of the sound from t

arrived. Even this old man

e mirror.. put on the ste

eing led by a woman..it looks like

he two could enter..the woman sa

ur boss's room?" H

climbed up and guided t

ere, he stoppe

" He said softly

you don't need

t and close the door..he prayed that

firmation just

t to have a woman i

om, but while walking, he saw the g

surprised because th


e, sister? Ca

" He bent down and could

just deliv

I felt like there were footprints



ace Man

usto mo sellina smpalin ntn yung babae mlndi.eh�



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r: Pr

e: R

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o do is just watch over my children, they are already big. Because you won't have any difficulties. So if it's okay, you clean the rooms first, then we'll clean the rooms. There is a cleaner as well as in the kitc

that Maam

round here f

odded and Maam Kelly left bu

n Lori for short"

ntroduction to my estim

an called to Ate

ra This is

Xyra" I said

lp him nun Thankyou ah" he said "All rig

ori” said

m" he said We went to the middle part of the house "This the dinning room ”he said“ and there are many rooms here in ten rooms the Game Room, Library, Excercise

big, it's like our room is like a house. Aft

ou again!"

doing here ?!"

e, you're the one. If you

you to think abou

ou here in my

where to go I continued my cleaning Seriously there isn't even a pic

oom. I immediately went down and went. Where

ill and Xywill this is L

my car. That's why there are s

n the side. Then He almost hit me. Then you know,

Maam Kelly, I laughed at the

you there!" Xywill shouted a

st" said Maam I nodded befo

Xyra asked me then sat down at

" was my s

ember me" he said "Are you just studying for a whil

chose to help my moth

y is lucky with you" he said "Ahm I'll tel

”I denied

u Lori What did you j


enter grade 10

” I

d happily "Let me know tomorrow

lly" I ref

rejecting me

said then smil

ly, I just nodded to be my answer "yes! I al

ou have any frien

lot of people are bul

t school? Why are they

hat eh even if I'm rich I shouldn't be arroga

ot like when his older brother was worse than worse. "W

ll about women at school. So there's no time for me to defend

bully you" I said boldly and then

ou Lori"

and there's a woman cooking a dish there, I'm

ok I'm good there" I

ave to do this anymore" he sa

to housework, so it's okay e

nodded "All right, cook some Pork porridge there" He said an

with 10 chairs and wow there seemed to be a big circle sitting around the

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