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Chapter 5 SELLINA

Word Count: 951    |    Released on: 08/11/2021




..!" Exclaimed carmona while the thre

that was sold to t

ona and senioreta in the

cousin as to what the conditi

and spend money, they

have enough money for

ucky because that Demon McGregor bou

e must also be good there. And she's still a virgin. She s

the casino is hers!" The t

immediately and ca

so you can have a good tim

e woman approached and picked up

e the old man tore it ha ha ha!"

Sellina is

ld just be with him, it's his fault be

that woman, we don’t have to talk


alm while holding the door of t

tared, staring wit

f? Ride !!!!

don't like your mansion. Do yo

hink I'll

o you w

u came from before!

But he didn't bother to answer, i

man, stared into her eyes and kissed the girl! The woma

that seem to hav

an but he was strong

m to be craw

akapag hep

ll sanity left in himself but

ut just let go of what

rst kiss and I don'

mself swa

why he feel

ooked like

n doesn'

art was ag

weak because she was almost

demon came out and he stared

it in his hand and pu

s just bei

be heard be

llina c

he c

door and turned aro

he immediately st

the way

hat she was thin when the young man glanced at h

ts and they reac

lina quickly got out

l just smiled at manang eding and

immediately closed t

dropped o

shouted while lyi

nching t

! Bwese

t happened earlier between the

why that h

e just le

iot, you idiot sel

pped by a knoc

mself and stood u

ling you! You're supposed t

be full l

ry, you go down, huh? It's hard to pass the hunger! ”

bed again and

now what the

an't jus

up with a plan to

that mi




from th

up again to

door so he lazily grabbed t

pa po

what he was going t

at man

n !!

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