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Word Count: 1589    |    Released on: 09/11/2021


dtrip here waiting to leave those assholes in my offi

ddenly saw Lucas making an obscene move so I took a f

t he know how to be private here

he face at the same time as his phone fell on the tiles. H

im. I look at him coldly but his eyes are staring at Dr

ew stones at

e know" s

on. I just looked at him

e ??” Maktol nito. I raised m

on my own can’t you see Sarah is here ”I said sharply. It seems that the mixture of his face suddenly ch

e he so

e you won't be able to see the

muttered. I just hit him so

ffice. I stood up and headed for the door. I locked the door and I smirked and

I lifted her chin and I saw that shes blushing. Ohh why her so cute while she blushin

o I have to say that she stood me one night but **** I'm scared she

to leave me again like before. A few more years after I looked for hi

circled my arms around her waist. He was shocked by what I did,

again and I star

an see us in our position" he stammered. I s

at I said. She seemed surprised at what I said but I don’t care. She’s innocent and ado

ite her lower lips. I also felt him get caught in my tuxido as if that’s where he draws strength. I just

ing both of the girl's cheeks. The girl just closed her eyes as she

respond my kisses Sarah" the

said to her. He also wouldn't assume that he responded becaus

very familiar to him and every time he kisses him he remembers somethin

h that it would be seve

ng for me for a while" he said without hesitation so t

. He first wiped the wet crown of the girl and then

estraint, the girl also took her bag.

t me anymore" he said shyly but he just i

o your foot still hur

really hurt any

ssing when someone

s eyes and does nothing but cling to the young man's n

dened because the girl is also light so it's ok with him if the girl

ees looked on and coul

rom Sir" the g

one, the gi

e of the whores

to Damion because of the various

young man said smiling. He didn’t know if it would

maiden's house. The young man immediately re

car even though it was still raining. He turned around and then opened the

he girl's head and they qu

are yo

irl's father also came out and was surpris

ya. Even faster than four o'clock Gray reached his grandfather's mind

girl sai

ain do you have as much as a

e girl said calmly. So it changed that the mixture of

that patience shark ”the old man smiled ap

e young man politely

really polite child"

did you answer that Mr. Damion


g man smiled, the

lready changed your clothes so yo

y ??" The girl as

om reading a book again"

he young man's behavior that he was

for anything yet. You don't have to come here tomorrow. Mr. Damion huh good night oh. He will

still a guest

embarrassing when you put him to sleep there" his fa

n t

s he knew that his father's

you bought

!" His so

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