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Word Count: 1596    |    Released on: 09/11/2021

her eyes tightly. She was already facing

y Mommy" she said tenderly. Th

e boy looked up he raised his eyebrows to see the young man standing behin

t man" the chi

rl's words were cut short

ch was further compounded by t

the child said firmly. Th

come to my house you don't l

't want anyone to flirt wi

you have

y Mom the one and only

ime it covered the child

on, grandson, let's eat, they'll fo

The chil

s mine,"

grandson, ju

bent down and bit her lip very hard. She w

oom" the young

e stairs. The young man seriously followed upstairs even though he kn

room she immediately took th

you go


ou read the worst so you

the bathroom. He just sighed and his chest tightened a

bath. Is it possible that it has changed in her vision now that she kn

amas and shirt he had brought. After that he decided to go back to his room. After closing it, he

s cheek heat up again. Suddenly her feathers rose wh

roached the girl's neck and then without saying a word he presented i

uttered. The young man just smiled beca

young man said smiling as


e baby" he said

er pajamas and shirt as we

cause of the girl's reaction. He immediately grabbed the gir

you've seen this before" t

d shyly. That the young man laughe

to do. Don’t worry it doesn’t bite ”the young man sai


was trembling as he put on the young man's underwear

y. He then put on the young man's pajamas even though he was shaking to finish it. What else is he being ask

over. He just tried to smile at it as a sign that he was done, he would have turn

r a moment. He just blinked as he stared at the g

he young man

of your son ”the young man asked seriously.

't know" he

ean ??” The yo

that night because it was my friend's birthday. We had a drink


g happened to us, then when I woke up I was in another room in the hotel and the man who

was the only woman who collided with it that night across from the Comfort Roo

't say I have a child. If

of the girl at the same time. But so far s

n the door of the child's room… The girl tu

to open the door. The child's gaze opened coldly and t


so long Mommy" the

g with that man" h

Sarah said sh

ver stopped staring at the child in front of him who was very close to Sarah. The girl's brother and father just

eyebrow. The two dropped their jaws because of the child

with a forced smile t

st lay down on the bed and the girl followed. Damion immediatel

of your child is, will you be an


will definitely have a good sleep now with the girl. The girl was

irl turned around in shock. He immedi

ou crying" Sarah

my room." This harvest is tearful

me, I want you to sleep

but if she doesn't follow, her child will definitely ge

mmy" pity

child around the neck. There was no emotion that Damion was just staring at. The child simply looked at the young man. Th

nt anyone to sleep wit

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