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Trapped in His Sharp Fangs

Trapped in His Sharp Fangs


Chapter 1 First meet, First hate.

Word Count: 1176    |    Released on: 02/12/2021

after hearing my father's words. Greet him? Really? Who the hell is he? Who is

as I crossed my

another woman after her death, I don't used to hate him that bad because he was sti

ere younger enough. Actually, they are teenagers already, we're not close, we always fight. And that's the reason why my father, my greatest fat


ing him, I could feel my heart pumps heavy because

t time I started hating men all in my life. I don't want seeing man. Having a cr

the end like what my father did to my mother. Looking back to the scenes years ago.... It's just 3 days since my mom sleep endlessly

he should comfort us and should not be comforting

guys. Especially, him. The man that m

living in our house, who I can be with under a one roof. So the madness that runs within my ner

ffocating for me. I don't want to follow rules and would gladly break it even at once. But look, I a

words. I rolled my eyes again because oh her actions. They are so despera

like what I said before.... when my mother died because of an unidentified man, that was when I cursed all

at it and saw my older sister going crazy while stepping down the stairs. She was so agitated and


father smiled when

yes immediately travel on me, as if I say something they don't

igh. "Yo

my fingers. "Why? My mouth is still h

a joke. I'm

too. Do you th

y dad's voi

? Why are you offering him a scholarship? Why are you offering him to leave in this house?" I asked him. He did not utt

der sister held his arm. I was breathing so so heavy and so he is. My father w

own daughter. Blood is thicker than water, huh? I gues


s open and a man came from it. Th

ter's silent screams in the feeling of romantic attraction towards that guy. My che

then walk towards the guy to have this 'hand-shake' mann

t arrive safely." I looke

d hear the warn

re you here?" I asked the gu

alix. I'm

yeah you need i


He should understand it! Whether he likes it or not, he should always unde

dy seen how my

t you

" I raised my brow fearlessly. He nods. "As

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