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Trapped in His Sharp Fangs

Chapter 6 Sports, huh

Word Count: 1120    |    Released on: 03/12/2021

. I was about to stepped my foot out of the car when I'm abrupted because of the

friendly relationship. It won't ever happen. Just sex, only sex. I did not say that after we fuck, we wil

my middle s

eyes were glaring at him while watching

ent out from here. "Sorry... I am

k yo

ant anothe

pain because of you. Help me get down f

whole body to me? You let me enter my shaft and it was still my

your fucking finger inside me I won't surr

r fault. You

st lusting for me. Do

e replied as he travelled

to my breast then down to my womanhood. I let him touched it for the second time. And wh

for me." I rolled my e

he looked in my eyes, re

oved his hand on my womanhood, m

h lusting.

mansion, I said words that made him stop from moving. He remained his feet on the ground, n

one know this.

mething funny. "Yeah, I wi

lashes, surprised with his answer. "Why? Yo

so I will be the father of your child. Your father might hunt me if I did so what's the purpose of runni

y dark but the light coming from the moon and the stars... makes people see how beau

of the lo

sshole stop that. We just did sex. We fucked. We don't made l

ith you." H




ter greeted us. I flashed a lazy and bad look when she sees me. I don't want them seeing me

d my body with lips rose, proba

came from a huge fight with somebod

my dad's voice inside. He's now mad. He don't kn

as I got inside, my paths crossed along with my father's. His face

out there." I muttered instantly be

r necktie don't place properly the way it is. You still have messy hair. Have

form together with my necktie of course and fucked me in the car, leaving me messy l

I trashed th

t myself on fir

get sitting in

is agains

I fight with someone else?" Without l

and even on our way home. She was so silent. And I guess she was so tired because of sp

g something with her?" My dad a

me, she don't fig

so hard to discipline my daughter, huh? How

ted inside the roo

to hear that from you. Don't even dare to fall in

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