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Fated To The Ruthless Alpha

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 2069    |    Released on: 04/12/2021

ady who had just saved me with a m

held my delicat

And you?" She inqui

ling so sad. I darted my gaze back to my de

n killing her made my

oothed before shifting, as if it was so easy. I admired it as I can't shift at all

ed like a gust of wind, and I had to

The sweet scent of the flowers and woods around the forest was great and made me

smile. I was happy that my

and I'll be able to stand up for myself and fight anyone who bullies me. My parents have always

fate if this strange savior hadn't come to my help. I would have been shredded in

my whole blood. Just then, something flashed through my mind,

n with that fireballs when I was greatly e

tly angered. I was so furious and attacked them with those power

wn with one hit. He died instantl


would? When our pack had been facing constant attack, everyone was in fear and couldn't sleep. F

ay, I'll come back for revenge and



n, but I kept moving, I kept striding. The clot of blood for

e girl on my back was becoming too weighty for me to carry because I was becoming so weak. At some point, I thought I

f the most powerful packs in North America. Since we had gotten a larger number of strong wa

We are respected and called upon in times of trouble, but t

the leader of th

s whatever he says. He is the head of the Eastern

came to rescue the

I'll t

ordered the Alpha of my former pa

them countless times right in front of me. He spared my life, but I was made a rogue at a tende

re I later became his Luna, as he was the Alpha, I had changed

pear in my life. She gave me a ring which would help me l

mething that would be e

d many packs, staring at the rings which never showed any trace of li

girl only to find out the witch was dead alread

down. For days and nights, my heart bled, and I couldn't get over the rage.

ctedly and shockingly, I

e an illusion, but then

pped for joy. I couldn't even tell w

had to stare at me

had left without hesitation while I sped over to the location where the ring whi

er since she is the only one who can defeat Xavier. I

r powers and hybrid combinations than Xavier, and that me

, since she was the only hope for

nd and shifted back to my human form. Blood gushed out of my mouth. I felt life leav


his family, starting with his wife and children. I couldn'

ied out, but got her gullet torn out. He poked ou

get away with it; I'm the de

t me skin them alive instea

. I admired his ruthlessness, and it was my greatest joy to know that I had succeeded in making my so

ol his mind. I looked around and saw the inhabitants of the Royal Pac

rs me to the bone marrow and I enjoy inflicting pain

were covered with the blood of his wife and child. I could see the p

himself at my order

at!" I huffed, and could see his eyes brighte

open his chest and bring out his heart.

ered with a wave of my ha

one dares me because it would cost their entire pack. I rule over every pack in th

scary faces just like me. Seeing him that way gave me great joy. I wasn't afraid to die. Even thou

because of me but of how cruel he is. I'm so happy to ra

ith Xander beside me like a son. He slept for two years before finally wak

plants and animals we hunted, until we d

ought them down, and I became their Alpha, renaming them The Red Moon Pack

ve in me.I l

g my back on the chair. You can't believe that man tried running away from this pack with h


und those weaklings in class; it makes me feel like kill

werewolf clan, vampires, and witches, because those are the powers we have." I smiled at him

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