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Fated To The Ruthless Alpha

Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 1706    |    Released on: 04/12/2021

to see her. I badly wanted to hear her sweet voice and see her smile sweetly. It was so sad for me when I met he

, I was already

ul not to hurt her as she forced out a smile. My eyes got we

ld have called me, raised the alarm, and we would have come to your re

wn deeply. She glance

aying?" She ask

I came back to meet you, worn out. The injury made you lose consciousness. I feared you would die

na was to blame for this? I hope none of you have la

ant me to let her go scot-free? I hit her so..." I couldn't finish my words befo

power she used, and Dad rushed

d rest, please. Don't stress your internal organs, or they

he pain from the punch or be able to make a single sound. My gaze

oes th

I can plead for forgiveness for my son's stupidity!" Mom added

ening? I'm lost! W

ed her g

She asked, an

t be doing this to yourself," he sn

and Lena was brought in with two royal warriors.

my dismay, she shook her head and took her up

he spoke out with

ned between the bo

se pardon me for not telling them never to."

it be your repayment for the sacrifice I made to save

t. I'll do it

you should be killed as well!" She said, handing a dagger to

l him?" I as

She threw the question to Dadd

y Luna, anything in this world, even if it means dy

stopped abruptly, making me run to where she was lying, and a s

kept gasping as I watched Dad and Lena cry. Their cries were trying to tell

st tone I've ever heard as he took her in

m to open. I waited for her to sneeze a

eel the hopelessness in his voice, yet I felt hope se

oke with us now.

, the witch do

er's hand and ch

We all asked in unison, in

looked down at the grou

wled, and she swallowed her throat before look

as unconscious. I hated Lena for causing her injuries, and now when I have got hope of having

y mother is dead


eces as I fell to the grou


, muttered and started to stand, but paused a

at b

time because I remembered receiving numerous letters from other packs tha

even when it had stopped after my continuous

m?" My so

he said, cont

the guts to send a message to m

hink I made a mistake by keeping her alive. I turned her into an orphan and a rogue as her po

same dagger you used to kill my paren

aughter. The words were threatening, and I couldn't help but wonder what

her alive that night. I guess

atched the letter from me a

ok and cranny, make sure you bri

son, asked with a deep growl, whi

e got while fighting some strange men. Her body has

has she bee

to get the information. The letter was sent by

I'll know where it c

left immediately. "Lynn doesn't want you to kill the

have a special death for her, the type that w

ght some strange men who want

asked a

succeeded in saving her but died. I don't kn

instantly, like he had

e saved a gi


you think

that made Lynn die, saving her, and she mentioned you being killed by the dagger. She can't do

girl be to be able to defeat me?

and powerful, why would she be saved instead of fighting by her

hing." I laughed more, but Xander's counte

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