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Hushed Echoes

Chapter 3 Breaking The unfortunate News

Word Count: 1128    |    Released on: 15/12/2021

est friend, if there was a way he could have appeared instantly at the mortuary t

y and as such, he had to follow the normal process, ignite

went back to Marco's mother who was still sitting on the floor

tely Maria, in other to confirm the tr

laimed, does that mea

y his body Is actually there or not, please sta

picked up her scarf from the floor and feebly en

ndeed their final bustop, it was at this place their fate was going to be determined, it was this same time th

ed upon discovery that there were people gather

ructure of the hospital, but a great number of people amassed t

se and dear to you suddenly dies mysteriously, someone you eat wi

ind when he was craving to get a better view of the large cr

and wait while he went inside to verify whether her husband was among those lying in the

Marco's mother who was impatiently waiting for him, so when he emerged from the hospital morgue, Jama

ht and phobia, he looked around and discovered that Maria was lying on the bare ground, adjacent to

eeded courage he wanted, at a point Jamal became suffocated by his thoughts as. He felt a lump in his throat which he could not s

ide the mortuary to search for her husband herself?" These and itdf thoughts threatened his mental fa

nging to the face that something practical needs to be done and there was no

up his mind when Maria turned round and saw him approaching, she ran bris

ester? Jamal please tell me, is he dead or al

ed that his word can out slow

d, holding tightly onto his shirt, " I wan

fter all such thing as this has happened to so many people, though it's painful and sorrowful but there is hardly anything anybody can do, what h

of his far was throbbing, his eyes were bloodshot, it seemed as if he were about to lose hi

ected has happened, there is a need for us to start making preparations for t

he had rightly thought earlier she almost stripped herself n

me just die here" she kept on screaming, hot tears rushed down her fac

t straggly hair was so scattered that it almost shielded her face, some people around the mortuary c

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