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Hushed Echoes

Chapter 4 Who will let the cat

Word Count: 778    |    Released on: 15/12/2021

e hospital to where his car was parked, he entered the driver seat, turned on the igni

e palm of his hand, he tried a couple of times and fortunately the en

ing vehicle with utmost sympathy, and when they were completely out of sight, she p

compound anticipating their arrival, friends, relatives and Marco's father col

t all direction possibly go

so long?" Remarked one of his r

t back, I would have no other choice than to go there

" said one of the neighbors, using his handker

thing possible to pacify him, but he would not just stop crying, as a matter of fact, it was so serious that she

l's wife, she immediately got snacks for him and slipped into his p

amal and Maria approaching from a distance, people rushed,

llably, this of course created an immutable impression in the mind of everybody, that indeed something back had happened, but despi

heart of sympathizers that had waited earnestly wi

hest, held on so tightly as if they were plastered toget

flapping furiously to cover her semi nudity in the Dusty haze, arising from the sta

the more she wailed and dashed round wildly, trying to

g frantic efforts to cover her exposed thighs with a wrap

t was that he was expecting, nobody seems to be interested, what was in their kind was Marco's father condition and as suc

tell me, tell me right now or I will punch your teeth out, what is it that had happened that a mature man like you finds it difficult to say, or are

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