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Married To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 4 Fourth Chapter

Word Count: 1853    |    Released on: 14/01/2022

. Her shining blonde hair, blue eyes, sharp chin and that small nose made her look like t

verything Liam liked, curves, beautiful curves in all the rig

he had not seen a beautiful woman, he had

not be a bad option.

clinging to his hand. He went closer to her e

iam's gaze and n

, respectfully. Compliment her about her beauty or whatever you

dded. "Y

am liked. She did what she was asked to do. No question

am tolerates. He took a sip of his champagne and watched his mistress sta

ora, just like a princes

ised her perfectly shaped eyebrow and gazed at the woman who was st

ed to be in the picture wit

, Miss…" she asked her name and

er. She nodded at her, once the woman walked away to wherever she was goin

and I suggest you try some other way to gain the attention of the celebr

spered and took her

who were both giggling, Champagn

let out, trying to control herself from l

girl," Aurora mumbled, taking a sip of her non-alcoholic cha

hit on a bloody highway patrol officer and still ended up getting a ticket," Susan warned Auro

months ago. She banged the patrol officer's car. On her friend's birthday. After drinking ten g


l these designs. The exhibition has beautiful options for us. Let's robe

put out a little over confidently. And why not, she was Aurora King, daughter of

when she said that sh

ed. "We know that darling

to come and you my dear Aurora, need to talk to

smile once again and waited for THE BELLE

them, everyone congratulated him for yet another suc

he hint she moved further in the desig

pe you liked the designs." Kevin as

r Rawls but have you decided anythi

y told you about my offer, M

feet. You don't need anyone if you want to open your brand but my suggestion would still be the same. You need t

Her pride was hurt, how co

d. He advised me to study jewellery designing first. Can you imagine that?" She

can't handle

ee, he had to see my designs, I am su

head. "He declin

th. "Oh no! Don't te

id!" Both said at the same time making Emily snatc

d it today. To hell with consequence

went to meet Kevin one more time

er eyes went to the lasing server and she picked a

race told him what Aurora said. He fisted

here," It was the mayor of BC. Liam

om the man. Apart from Mafia, Liam knight was a legitimate business or so he wanted people to believe in. Finally,

o her and found Alexand

He ordered his friend who loo

n, sh

d I want you to intro

but he could see there was something

ful…" Aurora heard the word

ey just stay

the owner of that voice and walked away from the

as not in the mood

friend. His eyes darkened in fury.

walked behind her, he came to meet her

kept staring at the liquid in the crystal glass. Her friends would be

fer but no, she would not do it but she would call him and ask him

one of her admirers. She knew she was beautiful and she didn't

e still managed to be sober at least in her voice. "

to start a conversation…"

ed in your ugly face so get the fuck

with this vixen. He grabbed her hand ti

g drink on his face. Liam instinctively closed his eyes and his grip on Aurora loosened a bit.

ogant owl," She snarled, attackin

away from her, Liam lost his balance and landed straight into the water fountain, and Aurora laughed seeing hi

d before running away from there

s hand. His one hand was still on his right eye. "You

was going to be his wife even if he had

punish and mine to pleasure,


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1 Chapter 1 First Chapter2 Chapter 2 Second Chapter3 Chapter 3 Third Chapter4 Chapter 4 Fourth Chapter5 Chapter 5 Fifth Chapter6 Chapter 6 Sixth Chapter7 Chapter 7 Seventh Chapter8 Chapter 8 Eighth Chapter9 Chapter 9 Ninth Chapter10 Chapter 10 Tenth Chapter11 Chapter 11 Eleventh Chapter12 Chapter 12 Twelfth Chapter13 Chapter 13 Thirteenth Chapter14 Chapter 14 Fourteenth Chapter15 Chapter 15 Fifteenth Chapter16 Chapter 16 Sixteenth Chapter17 Chapter 17 Seventeenth Chapter18 Chapter 18 Eighteenth Chapter19 Chapter 19 Nineteenth Chapter20 Chapter 20 Twentieth Chapter21 Chapter 21 Twenty-first Chapter22 Chapter 22 Twenty-second Chapter23 Chapter 23 Twenty-third Chapter24 Chapter 24 Twenty-fourth Chapter25 Chapter 25 Twenty-fifth Chapter26 Chapter 26 Twenty-sixth Chapter27 Chapter 27 Twenty-seventh Chapter28 Chapter 28 Twenty-eight Chapter29 Chapter 29 Twenty-nine Chapter30 Chapter 30 Thirty Chapter31 Chapter 31 Thirty-one Chapter32 Chapter 32 Thirty-two Chapter33 Chapter 33 Thirty-three Chapter34 Chapter 34 Thirty-Four Chapter35 Chapter 35 Thirty- Five Chapter36 Chapter 36 Thirty-six Chapter37 Chapter 37 Thirty- Seven Chapter38 Chapter 38 Thirty- Eight Chapter39 Chapter 39 Thirty-Nine Chapter40 Chapter 40 Forty Chapter41 Chapter 41 Forty-one Chapter42 Chapter 42 Forty- two43 Chapter 43 Forty-three Chapter44 Chapter 44 Forty- four Chapter45 Chapter 45 Forty - Five Chapter46 Chapter 46 Forty- six47 Chapter 47 Fourty- Seven 48 Chapter 48 Forty- eight49 Chapter 49 Forty- nine chapter50 Chapter 50 Fifty chapter51 Chapter 51 Fifty one Chapter52 Chapter 52 Fifty-two53 Chapter 53 Fifty-three54 Chapter 54 Fifty-four55 Chapter 55 Fifty-five56 Chapter 56 Fifty-six57 Chapter 57 Fifty-seven58 Chapter 58 Fifty-eight59 Chapter 59 Fifty-nine60 Chapter 60 Sixty61 Chapter 61 Sixty-one62 Chapter 62 Sixty-two63 Chapter 63 Sixty-three64 Chapter 64 Sixty-four65 Chapter 65 Sixty-five66 Chapter 66 Sixty-six67 Chapter 67 Sixty-seven68 Chapter 68 Sixty-eight69 Chapter 69 Sixty-nine70 Chapter 70 Seventy71 Chapter 71 Seventy-one72 Chapter 72 Seventy-two73 Chapter 73 Seventy-three74 Chapter 74 Seventy-four75 Chapter 75 Seventy-five76 Chapter 76 Seventy-six77 Chapter 77 Seventy-seven78 Chapter 78 Seventy-eight79 Chapter 79 Seventy-nine80 Chapter 80 Eighty81 Chapter 81 Eighty-one82 Chapter 82 Eighty-two83 Chapter 83 Eighty-three84 Chapter 84 Eighty-four85 Chapter 85 Eighty-five86 Chapter 86 Eighty-six87 Chapter 87 Eighty-seven88 Chapter 88 Eighty-eight89 Chapter 89 Eighty-nine90 Chapter 90 Ninety91 Chapter 91 Ninety-one92 Chapter 92 Ninety-two93 Chapter 93 Ninety-three94 Chapter 94 Ninety-four95 Chapter 95 Ninety-five96 Chapter 96 Ninety-six97 Chapter 97 Ninety-seven98 Chapter 98 Ninety-eight99 Chapter 99 Ninety-nine100 Chapter 100 One hundred