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Married To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 10 Tenth Chapter

Word Count: 2524    |    Released on: 18/01/2022

to end up together. Well, Liam Knight didn't believe in Desti

between them. He couldn't ignore business after all, he w

price he has to pay for that. When he came back after cleaning the weeds in his territ

d some different method but couldn't because of Ethan Kings. The man he respected like his father. Yes, he couldn't just bring her here. So he decided to try

marrying Aurora. He was worried about her safety now that Maxicans are trying to get the

ace. Now Aurora Kings was in Liam's grip still, he was not satisfied

ed to kill that man but what stoped him was the truce with Ethan. He couldn't kill in his territory even if he want

overlooked things. The girl was paniled and it needed to be changed. He de

ould-be acquisition walking in some shopping centre, hand in ha

trying really hard but couldn't. Image of Aurora with that low life bastard bed made him so furious

s ball. He started pressing hard in his fist imagining it w

ked the caller I'd and found that his

d the call

declined pay

, chuckling slightly. "Where i

aying Golf with his f

his appearance in the mirror he went out. He might be going to kill someone but still appearances matte

ed inside, opening the button of his suit. It took him thirty minutes to reach

iam Knight stepped out of his car. Jay was al

" Liam

west park sir.

urry. Jay followed behind him but of course he knew t

o took money from him was playing Golf with hi

y from him but also declined paying and he was playin

father son duo and gav

e match?" He asked

n ticket. It was a give or take relationship. Knights paid for his Election campaign and in return he did what he could for them that was lobbying for th

pale seeing Liam. "Why don't you ask this question to

what exactl

further and stretched his hand for the

position to make a shot. His eyes were focussed on the goal, "ask your son

y he made the shot. The ball went str

Santiago asked his son who shook his head from left

the Golf Club that blood oozed from his mouth. "What did you say? Spea

glared at him and he stopped in his tracks. T

ithout water. Trailing here and there in agony of pain when Liam hit him hard on the knee join

s hair, yanking his head upward he glared into his half closed eyes. "Pay me

ntino, "i left him alive because of our relationship Santino. Make the payment ti

d out of the club. His mind went t

r was the beautiful tool because there was no one who was not scared of him. If he wanted to catch

eived a call from his father. A small smile appeared on his lips, his little bird was

ed without even bothering

led. "Getting eag

is it a yes.

at Ryan ended the call. Liam sighed and asked the driver to take him to hi

ther very much, he was the one who never left him and his brother alone unlike his mother. He hated h

understand that. She was ready to leave her children and leave alone. Of course his father's love for her knew no bounds he would have accepte

with his own hands. She wanted out but she got out but on his terms. That was the first time he saw his father crying

but in Canada his mother's funeral

e looked weak but his father never married again. He spent 20 years of his life with a new whore who looks

t with you. And be ready to kill her or get killed, trust me life will be pretty interesting." He could feel the pain behind

, so he waited calmly for the c

e waited for the driver to open the door for him. Once he stepped

smile on his face and of course his whore

. They walked inside and settled in Ryan's office w

to start the talk but of course he won't. The man likes to play with other people

"I met your w

d. "Would be wife,

t any arrangement with her

drumming his forefinger and mid

r the arrangement dad?" Liam asked, leaning

dislikes…. You kno

he person sitting in front of him was his father and h

keled. "Want to hit me

ard but I won't. Now, dad, stop this nonsen

ead slightly. "Oh boy! You remind me of my youth

tions. "Dad!" I gritted, even comparing Aurora with

beautiful no doubt but

r but…" Liam was asying but sudd

checkr the caller id, it was Ethan.

t he was not accepting his call,not so soon at l

ing Liam. She is not happy with an arranged Marriage

ng his patience level anytime now. "Ethan, Liam is t

ra is not happy,

nform my son about your decision,

at his father.

rora kings denie

he denied marrying me. Liam knight! That girl is mine and I will have her,


e pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled hi


lane ready. I am flying to Boston in two

Aurora Kings, the world didn't revolve around your wi

is insult and you w


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1 Chapter 1 First Chapter2 Chapter 2 Second Chapter3 Chapter 3 Third Chapter4 Chapter 4 Fourth Chapter5 Chapter 5 Fifth Chapter6 Chapter 6 Sixth Chapter7 Chapter 7 Seventh Chapter8 Chapter 8 Eighth Chapter9 Chapter 9 Ninth Chapter10 Chapter 10 Tenth Chapter11 Chapter 11 Eleventh Chapter12 Chapter 12 Twelfth Chapter13 Chapter 13 Thirteenth Chapter14 Chapter 14 Fourteenth Chapter15 Chapter 15 Fifteenth Chapter16 Chapter 16 Sixteenth Chapter17 Chapter 17 Seventeenth Chapter18 Chapter 18 Eighteenth Chapter19 Chapter 19 Nineteenth Chapter20 Chapter 20 Twentieth Chapter21 Chapter 21 Twenty-first Chapter22 Chapter 22 Twenty-second Chapter23 Chapter 23 Twenty-third Chapter24 Chapter 24 Twenty-fourth Chapter25 Chapter 25 Twenty-fifth Chapter26 Chapter 26 Twenty-sixth Chapter27 Chapter 27 Twenty-seventh Chapter28 Chapter 28 Twenty-eight Chapter29 Chapter 29 Twenty-nine Chapter30 Chapter 30 Thirty Chapter31 Chapter 31 Thirty-one Chapter32 Chapter 32 Thirty-two Chapter33 Chapter 33 Thirty-three Chapter34 Chapter 34 Thirty-Four Chapter35 Chapter 35 Thirty- Five Chapter36 Chapter 36 Thirty-six Chapter37 Chapter 37 Thirty- Seven Chapter38 Chapter 38 Thirty- Eight Chapter39 Chapter 39 Thirty-Nine Chapter40 Chapter 40 Forty Chapter41 Chapter 41 Forty-one Chapter42 Chapter 42 Forty- two43 Chapter 43 Forty-three Chapter44 Chapter 44 Forty- four Chapter45 Chapter 45 Forty - Five Chapter46 Chapter 46 Forty- six47 Chapter 47 Fourty- Seven 48 Chapter 48 Forty- eight49 Chapter 49 Forty- nine chapter50 Chapter 50 Fifty chapter51 Chapter 51 Fifty one Chapter52 Chapter 52 Fifty-two53 Chapter 53 Fifty-three54 Chapter 54 Fifty-four55 Chapter 55 Fifty-five56 Chapter 56 Fifty-six57 Chapter 57 Fifty-seven58 Chapter 58 Fifty-eight59 Chapter 59 Fifty-nine60 Chapter 60 Sixty61 Chapter 61 Sixty-one62 Chapter 62 Sixty-two63 Chapter 63 Sixty-three64 Chapter 64 Sixty-four65 Chapter 65 Sixty-five66 Chapter 66 Sixty-six67 Chapter 67 Sixty-seven68 Chapter 68 Sixty-eight69 Chapter 69 Sixty-nine70 Chapter 70 Seventy71 Chapter 71 Seventy-one72 Chapter 72 Seventy-two73 Chapter 73 Seventy-three74 Chapter 74 Seventy-four75 Chapter 75 Seventy-five76 Chapter 76 Seventy-six77 Chapter 77 Seventy-seven78 Chapter 78 Seventy-eight79 Chapter 79 Seventy-nine80 Chapter 80 Eighty81 Chapter 81 Eighty-one82 Chapter 82 Eighty-two83 Chapter 83 Eighty-three84 Chapter 84 Eighty-four85 Chapter 85 Eighty-five86 Chapter 86 Eighty-six87 Chapter 87 Eighty-seven88 Chapter 88 Eighty-eight89 Chapter 89 Eighty-nine90 Chapter 90 Ninety91 Chapter 91 Ninety-one92 Chapter 92 Ninety-two93 Chapter 93 Ninety-three94 Chapter 94 Ninety-four95 Chapter 95 Ninety-five96 Chapter 96 Ninety-six97 Chapter 97 Ninety-seven98 Chapter 98 Ninety-eight99 Chapter 99 Ninety-nine100 Chapter 100 One hundred