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The Vanished Lover

The Vanished Lover


Chapter 1 Who is the Father of This Child

Word Count: 1588    |    Released on: 26/01/2022



roking her body so she opened her dizzy ey

aw a man’s face

e sending out evil lights, se

s, but after only one word, her lips

ire balls while her body

f her body was hit by lightnings, making he

onlight came through screen windows, shining on th

pinned her down. The elegant and handsome face appeared

wider and hoped to

clock sounds woke up


am? Moreover, it was a sex dream! As a woman who had a fi

it, she felt guilt

king of that dream. It

the phone besides he

le awoke!” The moment she picked up the phone, t

news, Jill

..really...” She didn’t even dare to breathe

lly awoke! Come over now!” Lily Ya

? Henson re

sy in the heart and ran to the h

Henson for three years. But for the

in a car accident on the way to pick her up to

for so long. Now he f

, she indeed saw the man whom she missed so much sitting

! Henson in

m open his eyes again, Jill’s tear

on looked at h

and her baby fat face had turned into pointed chin. Obv

ached whil

ave a rest.” Tina Lloyd stood by the

he be here? Where

bout to ask, she felt gross in the stomach so sh

u? “ At the sight of her sudden c

r hand and wanted to say she was okay, but before she finished her words, the gro

and night in the hospital in the last half a year. Now I must take you to see the doctor.” While seeing her vom

t she couldn’t persuade him, so she had

cked her up, he transferred h

as been over a month.” The doctor

nant.” Hearing the doctor’s conclusion, Jill was honest and decent

ems with her intestines and stomach.”

ou don’t trust it, you can do a checkup ag

Jill was pregnant, a trace of

for Jill to do a checkup again. But the

e!” Holding the report, Jil

f distrust, “That is not true! I had a car accident half a y

ust be others’.”Tina lowered her voice delibe

sense!” Jill cast a w

Henson and remained a virgin

spital report states it clearly. How could you cheat on him while he was

to look at the man in the wheelchair, “Henson, listen to m

t of the dream she just had

m at all? It indeed

spital. How about the second time? It is impossible for them to make the sam

r blew up, “Jill, it is so clear.

hot report in the hand wit

cing straight Jill’s heart. She knew that he had

ed these days, she had to make them clear with him. She reache

man’s child, but still pester Brother Henson. Is that you want him

stand still and

d there, watching the show and believ

rbored a grudge against mistresses. Thus, she threw th

instant with her

ir. No one took pity or sympathy on her. O

er, when he thought of that she hooked up with another man while he

dripping down her pale face, which was very horrifying. However, the coldne

ared in her eyes, “Henson,

a dissolute bitch! You make me disgusted! Don’t let me see you again!” After

und to look at the awkward person on the groun

at he would use such words on her. She harbored hatred but didn’t know who she

so ridi

n black broke in, squatting beside h

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1 Chapter 1 Who is the Father of This Child 2 Chapter 2 You Have to Bear This Child3 Chapter 3 She is My Mommy!4 Chapter 4 Be My Wife5 Chapter 5 Seemingly I Sold Myself6 Chapter 6 Being Carried in Mr. President’s Arms7 Chapter 7 Take Me Out of Here8 Chapter 8 You Take the Clothes Off Yourself or I Do It For You 9 Chapter 9 Leon, You Played a Trick!10 Chapter 10 Don’t Fall in Love with Me11 Chapter 11 Why Did the Little Kid’s Biological Mother Leave Him 12 Chapter 12 Right into Mr. President’s Arms13 Chapter 13 Stay Together at Midnight14 Chapter 14 Self-sentimental15 Chapter 15 Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder16 Chapter 16 An Accident on the Wedding17 Chapter 17 He was the Bridegroom at this Wedding!18 Chapter 18 Please, Give Me a Ride19 Chapter 19 Help Her Again20 Chapter 20 Silent Concern21 Chapter 21 Crown Prince is Coming!22 Chapter 22 Congrats, You Successfully Arose My Interest23 Chapter 23 Playing Mad after She was Drunk24 Chapter 24 The Dangerous Game25 Chapter 25 Was It a Dream or Reality 26 Chapter 26 Clear the Debt of Last Night27 Chapter 27 Teasing Her28 Chapter 28 The Consequence of Being Impulsive29 Chapter 29 What the Hell Did She See 30 Chapter 30 His Gentleman Manner31 Chapter 31 Harder Than Go to Heaven32 Chapter 32 It Was Him!33 Chapter 33 Her Mystery34 Chapter 34 Was He So Significant 35 Chapter 35 Flying into a Rage36 Chapter 36 Mr. President Attended to Her Personally37 Chapter 37 Sleep on the Same Bed for One Night38 Chapter 38 Am I Just Another Man’s Substitute 39 Chapter 39 The Woman Beside Mr. President40 Chapter 40 She Should Be the Future First Lady!41 Chapter 41 Take the Initiative to Care for Mr. President42 Chapter 42 Don’t Touch the Place You Shouldn’t Touch43 Chapter 43 Mr. President, You Can Let Go44 Chapter 44 Sudden Accident45 Chapter 45 Unexpectedly Brought to Hospital46 Chapter 46 Completely Became Leon's Servant47 Chapter 47 Suddenly Feeling at Ease48 Chapter 48 She was Forced to Take Care of Him!49 Chapter 49 Fancy Finding by Sheer Luck!50 Chapter 50 What a Narrow Street!51 Chapter 51 She Should be able to be a Good Wife52 Chapter 52 Make a Deal53 Chapter 53 Went to See Mr. President54 Chapter 54 Mr. President was Jealous55 Chapter 55 A Brilliant Man56 Chapter 56 A Blind Date57 Chapter 57 Was Severely Humiliated58 Chapter 58 His Indignation and Distress59 Chapter 59 Sorry for Her60 Chapter 60 Treat Him as Her Mother61 Chapter 61 Look for Trouble62 Chapter 62 Leave Brain Home63 Chapter 63 The Heart Lake Rippled64 Chapter 64 The President’s Personal Number65 Chapter 65 Help Me Bath66 Chapter 66 Only Had the Feeling for You67 Chapter 67 Moved Back to Mr. President's Bedroom Again68 Chapter 68 Silent Care for Her69 Chapter 69 Mysterious guest of the competition70 Chapter 70 Ups and Downs71 Chapter 71 The Rage72 Chapter 72 Give Me a Reason73 Chapter 73 Encounter with Villain74 Chapter 74 Heartache75 Chapter 75 Her knight76 Chapter 76 Rub It In77 Chapter 77 Jill, Let Me Help You!78 Chapter 78 Endless Attack79 Chapter 79 Who Helped Her 80 Chapter 80 Oolong81 Chapter 81 Mr. President's Birthday82 Chapter 82 A Child Daring To Do Great Mischief83 Chapter 83 Love for the gift84 Chapter 84 How dare you fool me85 Chapter 85 Being Kissed86 Chapter 86 She is someone with a background87 Chapter 87 Without love, Kiss and Sexual Intercourse also would occur.88 Chapter 88 It's Her Fault!89 Chapter 89 A Belated Gift90 Chapter 90 The Reason for His Indifference to Her91 Chapter 91 How Dare You Touch My Woman 92 Chapter 92 Jill, Be My Woman!93 Chapter 93 He Came to Find Her For This Thing94 Chapter 94 Inexpressible Sense of Loss95 Chapter 95 She would be Jealous of Mr. President96 Chapter 96 Carl was Gone97 Chapter 97 As If a Generation Had Passed When Seeing You Again98 Chapter 98 Mr. President Wanted to Stay at Her House For a Night!99 Chapter 99 Would You Please Bring Sir a Bath Towel100 Chapter 100 Protect Her by His Body