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Wishes Come True

Wishes Come True


Chapter 1 The angel that broke me.

Word Count: 2335    |    Released on: 20/01/2022


any time of the year, or better yet, being in N

in the ghettos, not that before we lived in a better side of another city because she liked drugs and she n

loved it and wouldn't have traded it for any

cked on me. They were much bigger than me, and they pushed me around and ripped m

g at the guys to leave me alone, and when I looked back,

g my ribs from fear started racing even fas

moment when I rea

my hair was jet black, not Afro-textured because my dad was white and my mom was just half black, and not curly, but straight, short on the sides, and just a bit longer on top, his skin was white and

'm still on the ground, I wasn't even cold anymore,

n to mine, and it took me a few to recover and take it, then, with a gentle but firm grip, he pulled me off t

g at me from head to toe, looking for injuries, and if I wouldn't ha

and showed him my wounded palms, which he took and examined, t

cket off. It's wet and ripped.” He deman

nd, as I felt again that hot wave washing through me,

e called me sweet, and I remember that my stomach literally turned upside down, giving me the impression that I'll throw

d I didn't even want to think about what mom will do to me

the chance to say anything, he was unzipping it, then wrapped me in his red jacket, which he most probably

ut before I got to ope

if he was 14, it was deep, and because of it, I experienc

s, I knew that I look ridiculous, but I felt good, and the scent of fresh detergent that smelled like earth smells after th

ed again, and I'm certain that he tho

best friend, Deshawn, who later became my best f

with a huge smile, which at the time seemed genuine, and I hi

with my heart, and I looked up at him, afraid that he'll

ring him say I wish, made my heart beat so hard that I really thought I

is baby blue eyes which were looking at

s right now.”He said with the same smile on his beautiful face that reached his baby blue

e him back, I just nodded, then, when he leaned to kiss me, he saw that I wasn't breathing, but he reassured me in his smooth and soot

r, ok?”I believed him then, but after I saw his true colors, I realized t

, and one would be that he wanted to make Dee jealous because Dee probably saw him as a friend at the time, and he was straight, or so

hat I did, and I curse myself for hurting even now, but being here, in the s

... he was holding on Dee's hips so hard as if he was afraid that someone will take him away... and they did

like hot, painful, lava that burned everything in their path, the air was not knocked

my head, the pain in it still hurts, and their reaction still

e." I tried, but I was met with painful silence tha

hey'll pull apart, that Tris will take me in his big arms and kiss my tears and pain away, diminished, my voice got even more broken, the sobs ba

u want... to experiment with... someone else... I can accept... it... just tell me what... to do... just... don't leave me, Tris..." I begged as I started walking toward

that my heart broke into, and killed a part of me, took my strengths away, my knees buckled pa

ased echoed the small room, but it's like they

h him, in my desperation I tried

please look at me, Dee... you're my best friend... my brother... brothers don't... do this... it hurts... Dee... don't take my world

e me..." I tried to talk a little clearer so he could unders

iber of my being was destroyed, then, to make it worse, he whisper

ied to become a part of them again, but they

me anything other than Bambi when we were alone, and his voice was like a woodchopper that turned on inside of me and ripped all of me into pieces, and no matter how hard I tr

rich and is coming from some royalty, and who ended up working for me because he wanted to rebel against his parents by taking a job, and so we met-, is at some family gathering, with duchesses and lords, which are aunts and uncles of

reaths and close my eyes, which, against my wishes, are tearing, push the painful tears away, that, even though I hate to admit it, they would have fallen if not for my phone ri

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