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Wishes Come True

Chapter 2 First obstacle.

Word Count: 1975    |    Released on: 20/01/2022



dison, or Addis, how I call my best frie

e myself that I'm ok, or that this time, the excruciating memories didn't cause

o, you're depressed." He states, making a point, and a va

y to put the spotlights on him, eve

ical thing on me. It's not working." I sigh hard, not

n as I go from this.

please hear me out until the end before you get all crazy

he sound of tha

leads with a worried voice, and I roll my

ut I don

nterrupts me, m

our... predicament, and I think it would be

I don't even want

demands in a firm voice that I don't accep

f someone puts a gun to my head and threat

rrible idea." I say in a sarc

sual, I got drunk out of my ass, and when I was balling my eyes out, Addis happened to come to my place because I didn't answer the phone and he had to give me som

closure, Jamie, you need to heal, and only by talking to him you will get it." He tries t

ys when I get a bit depressed, but not all the time, and I'm seeing people. It will pass, I just need a

f they don't have the right skin tone, or the right hair color, height, or eyes, you don't even give them a shot to introduce themselves. It's been 10 years, and you're not even close to getting over him, you still call his name in your sleep, for God's sake!" He s

l won't se

terrupted by his loud, exaggerated sc

?" I snap, and I can swear

the mo

know what I'll do if... and I can't... please, Addis... no." I finish the pleading sess

g that will help you heal. At least a little bit..." He pleads in a sympathetic voice, and I let myself fall on the bed, looking up at

be better once I come back home. And who knows? Maybe Santa will come this year and give me someone that will truly love me

the call I'll find a pen and a paper and write him one." He says in a

s to pack, and I can' wait to get the fuck out of here." I say, re

ted on that letter, and

and he scoffs, and I smi

ose to drive. Do you know how many crazy people are on the roads these days? No to

y 5 hours long drive." I try to calm him down, but he tsks his

ns, and go and check your t

I say jokingly, an

e then. See you

k, then let out a breath o

f! I rather die sl

a man, who looks homeless, around 40, maybe less, but the cold and dirt makes him look older, wearing a dirty pair of ripped jeans, and not in a fashionable way, and a hoodie,

ugh clenched teeth due to the cold, and I remember that my wall

hurry. N

He says with a pained s

that if I drive now the chances

t able to walk away withou

I gesture for him to follow me as I go

emories." I try to excuse myself as I take every dollar that's in my w

e to his shaking hands, and not because he's drunk because his breath is clean, but because

" He says as he keeps one bill and wa

ed into a grateful smile that reached his green e

." He says in a smooth voice, and I almost chuckle humorlessl

hotel and get some rest," I say a

nd I can't help but smile seeing the kindness in his eyes, and the wil

..." I trail off as I take my Rol

the watch to a pawnshop. You should get around 100.000 dollars on it. But don't go like this because th

as he looks at the watch

giving him the shot of putting his life

ure meeting you," I say wholeheartedly, and h


interrupted him, po

eful tone, and I nod, then walk towards the driver's doo


I say wholeheartedly as I get in, and he nods, then, as fast as I coul

ow, but I don't think so. An

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