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The Blind Luna

Chapter 4 3

Word Count: 1008    |    Released on: 07/04/2022



, Dar

ng to give her a peck on the cheeks. "Have some of this coffee, you

maps and search papers, we searched every possible place but we still couldn't fin

be here for you and no word can express my love for you! Don't ever be afraid to tell me anything, I'll always

oor. "The pack celebration is coming up, the moon Goddess might have a surprise for you," she

ing I was worried about. All I was worried sick abou



as he spoon-feeds. "Wow, the meat speaks the expensive language to the mo

again. "You don't have to do this, even if I'm blind! I know the road to my mouth." I let out. "Instead of co

my," I let

em overwhelmed

g like that," I let out as a hand was felt, patting my head softly. "I pr

Sabrina couldn't help but listen. "Yeah, he is so handsome! How I wish he would just look at me," another let out as a hi

of the discomfort of hiccuping. She decided to find her way to get water. After multiple turns, hits, an

" A voic

escaping the person's mouth. The growl was enchanting but yet scary. "Alpha Ace?" The mur

r gaze, you shouldn't show him that you are blind." A voice echoed in

my scrutiny. Grandmother said you could know if you looked them in the eyes but I wa

e eyes. "It's a command and not a request, look me in the eyes," he let out.

rowd. I could feel my legs go weak. "Are

in frustration. "Yes," I said with a teary and shaky voi

They are of no use," he let out as those words hit me hard. "You would never be good enough for me and therefore it

his words were assassinating to the heart. "I,

embarrassment. Why do I regret coming here? I shouldn't be here?

ied to find my way out of the mating hall. The embarrassment broke my heart, the moment I couldn't hear any voi

l be glad to be your mate,

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