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The Blind Luna

Chapter 5 4

Word Count: 1065    |    Released on: 07/04/2022


of so many people gathered around, but I needed to get used to it if I wanted

som smiles that showed that they loved this celebration that occurred once a year. The ladies kept sending me some

lose to her ear before leaving. I was midway up the stairs

is real?” I a

find out.” I let out as I pushed

eeply before twirling her around. The moment she turned around, t

l just looking at her? “Mine, Mate,” My wolf yelled in my head happily. There was something about this creat

yes,” I let out with a little frustration and irritation at why she wouldn't stare at me in

at I was feeling was a burning sensation that I just couldn't explain, “I said

ut and that instantly made

ucia as someone else. Lucia is the only blind woman that would ever love me. W

t out as my ha

ice of Lucia echoed in my head. “The moon-goddess must be great to have blessed me with a bl

l run away l

mate,” I let out. “I don't want to ever set eyes on you or you might not sur

p,” I heard S

just get me all the strongest al



actually a great idea because it led me to Sabrina. My thought lingered on what happened a whi

in my hand as I headed bac

t-wrenching scenery in front of me. Why did the moon Goddess have to

jected her and broken her into a million pieces. I ran after her bu

r from crying. “You’re amazing and I would be glad to be your mate,” I let out. “I mean when you go through dash time

this hurt so badl

you from crying but I'm here to give you a shoulder to lean

ily. “I can't guarantee that you will ever forget this incident, but I ca

this Jasper?” she asked, shaking the contents. “Don't worry I won't po

king those words sting. I couldn't help it as I hit her chin with

I said as she gulp

aftertaste. Could I have more?” she asked,

d to get. “Wait here, I will get you more.” I let out before heading in

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