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Faith & Hope Victim to Killer

Chapter 3 The Trial

Word Count: 1451    |    Released on: 18/04/2022

Joy. The first thing she did was buy decent clothes for Joy. All the clothes she had were used. Faith had bought them a

to take Joy so she would not be there. She sits and waits for him to come home from work to kill him. She waited until he took his last breath before

ife to watch her dad beat her mom every day. Steve could hurt no one again. Faith was afraid that when Joy was older, Steve would

Steve. Faith called and asked Hope to bring Joy to the county jail to visit. She wanted to see her for the last time. She was being shipped away to prison. Faith o

report violence that goes on within their home, between spouses. Faith did not leave because she was afraid that Steve would take the Joy away, she would never see her. She was afraid that Steve would hurt Joy the same way he was hurting her. The only way to st

id not take into consideration that she was a victim of domestic violence. Every night as soon as Steve came home, the first thing he did was beat her. The only reason he did not

n. It has been five years since she had been sitting in prison. Her little girl was growing up fast. This year, she would start school. Faith would not be there to see it. She had already missed out on so much in her life. The video visitation just did not take the place of being able t

before now. But she wanted Faith at her Birthday Party. Hope scheduled a video visitation with Faith to tell Joy what was really going on. It was one of the hardest days of her life. She had to look at

her own process to go through as she adjusts to learning that her mother killed her father. If they lie to Joy, it will hurt their relat

n beating her for years. Even though her father is dead, she needs to know what kind of man he was. She must tell her everything. It is ridiculously hard to explain to a child som

her. Joy was not at fault for anything. Sometimes adult relationships are hard to explain. Faith loved her dad and at the same time, she killed him. She d

d subjects. Faith killing Steve is a hard subject for Joy to understand. People consider child therapy for huge topics like abuse, neglect, and trauma

was just a baby and does not remember her father. Abuse still played a big part in her family. Hope believed that Joy learning about abuse at an early age would give her the knowled

ychologically abusing her by not allowing her to have a relationship with Hope. He insulted Faith on the wedding night by calling her a whore. Trying to make her feel she had deceived him. She never told him she was a virgin. She never told him they raped her. Steve was the only one

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