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Faith & Hope Victim to Killer

Chapter 5 Adjustment

Word Count: 774    |    Released on: 18/04/2022

outside doctor. That would reveal their secret. Hope went to medical and explained that she was hurting in her stomach. They gave her laxatives and gas medicine. Hope suffered with the pain of can

ion. The only thing she wanted to do was provide a living for her and Joy. Faith had started a Domestic Violence Support Group in prison. She wanted to start

in need through the support of donors. Found in local malls, companies and churches, they decorated Angel Trees with numbered paper angel tags with the first name, age, and gender of a child in need of gifts. The Prison Fellowship Angel Tree reaches out to the

rches, organizations, and volunteers to have a lasting impact on the lives of Angel Tree children, their caregivers, and their families. During the winter,

. Hope took in Joy and raised her as her own child. But she also helped others in the community. On every holiday, Hope had a special charity she started. On Easter, Hope started a charity

y to do something they loved and provide a blanket for a baby. The babies would keep their blankets for years to come. The children were told about the women in the nursing home making blankets for them. When

d all the Seniors to experience a magical night. She had her mender make each limited design dress for every girl. Before Prom night, she would sponsor a fundraiser Fashion Show. All the Seniors would wear their dress on the stage and model. They would donate al

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