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I'd Like to Change My Reincarnation Subscription, Please

Chapter 5 Vengeance

Word Count: 1505    |    Released on: 15/04/2022

hapter features the fir

shoulder, with the treasured pizza box held before him. He is still making a conscious effort to stay calm, howev

n aura of, 'want my pizza? Fuck around and find out.' Thankfully, every cov

l mood, 427 has tacitly stayed s

an with a very familiar accursed purse ahead of him, walking in the same direction as him. Guessi

rroundings, his expression falls into a

the face. Can I punch him in the face, 427? I

counts towards successful task completion. Premature actions prior to the triggering of a GDV task due to advance knowledge from a rollb

ense. Offin' a serial killer before he's done anything would just make it seem like you were murdering him in cold blood. Tch, so much for tryin’ to legit make the world a better place. Stupid, shitt

, this was not an issue when superheroes were welcomed by the general populace. It is further complicated by the easily traceable, highly secure, fi

verty. Maximized availability for GDV tasks is in the Superhero Enhance

little bit of comfo

s life cycle. Shoving past Lucas' left side to approa

r GDV task has been assigned. Please

h great

then brings the pizza box up to hold with said hand. Flexing his fingers while rotating his right wrist a few times, he st

topped in place by Lucas's hand firmly pressing down on his left shoulder. The interrupted momentum

isses at his murderer while he is

n his expression. Looking at him face-to-face again, or in a sense, for th

nd slams it into the thief's face with all of his might out of vengeful r

resistance. The front of his ex-murderer's skull is shattered into bloody shrapnel that is largely following the momentum of Lucas' fist, some of i

directly to his head has completely severed its connection with his spine. Now launched as a grisly projectile, the crushed rem

ith him. In short order, his face goes white, and he begins screaming before running away as f

eard 427 whistle, thou

m down. He almost trips over the now-bloodied fallen purse, barely recovering just in ti

in front of him, with its limbs spread wide, as if it wa


rd of .05 GDV... A penalty was applied for murder, however, this

masculine voice less stiffly mechanical-so

the fact that the purse's owner has been silently standing in place in visible shock, alternately looking from his fist to the bloody pu

g his fist and holding it palm out towards the woman, he reflexively shakes it from side to side in a ne

behind. It is advised to confiscate his wea

ching into the corpse's right pocket and pulling out th

ts in the direction of his apartment, as if increasing his distanc

hen, she finally, slowly, bends down to pick her purse back up while trying to shake off so

ng down the sidewalk while splattered with blood


ls this c


ths this

otal de

: 2.45 (+.05 +.01



orst fucking day of not jus

s possible: [...

...I'm so sorry +1. At least it won'

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