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Chapter 2 02

Word Count: 1213    |    Released on: 10/05/2022


s she hurriedly stood up from the cold floor of the darkroom she had found herself. She soon realized her hands were tied to her back and whoever tied her up must hav

ck. She closed her eyes as it stung once more, tears running down her cheek, and opened them again. Her visi

posed to have

as a desert, and when she talked, it soun

that felt like hell to her? She remembered the last person she saw but she doub

ing voice stated in the darkness. Sh

?” She asked, trying to find out the d

e plant extract affected your vision and sense of smell

denly beat against its cage, whoever

nyone, I didn’t do anything,

your thirst, your urge, and your hunger but how you sur

sting the urge to explai

the truth if you’d actually hurt anyone? Vampi

y are you doing

nd when she looked back up, she realized she was in a dungeon, a newly built dungeon, the type they jus

he space between them. He was crouching on his knees in front of her, his eyes directly

ard, finding it difficult to

ur name?”

ay from him. His hand grabbed her

king to you, blue-eyes,” She fran

what else are you aside from being a vampire? Don’t you dare tel

the fact that she was a vampire, a vampire who had been trained by her mother to quench

eplied, her tongue

she thought he would drop dead. “You

new he needed an answer and that was all she could

ing a lie the second time shows how difficult it

Hadrian by surprise. His stance changed and so did his facial ex

mething you would never imagine, Bl

ever realized what he meant but as soon as he made the last statement, she knew what he was. It wasn’t possible. The emper

n walking cl

the hair on her arm and back of her neck stood and cold sweats dropped from her face. Her lips tr

mething. That is the real

d, tears rolling down her cheek uncontrollably. She didn’t have the powers of a full vampire and she never got to mas

to be th

t the top of her voice, he covered her mouth with a large palm. “Shush, don’t mak

rt me. I’m begging you,”

nd brushed his nose against her nape. He inhaled her. Ro

re you

his teeth sunk into her skin. She thrashed around, fighting for freedom, escape and break free but she got none. Her heartbeat

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