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Chapter 3 03

Word Count: 1340    |    Released on: 10/05/2022

body as he also tried to regain his senses. He knew what was happening, he had forcefully marked his mate. He could

iend and brother asked. Hadrian turned to star

l girl. He placed his hand on her pulse, the one right behind h

rom her town and now, you marked her without her c

saying. His mind was somewhere else, the girl in his hand

l and checked her pulse himself to confirm his brother’s words. When h

That’s if you’re interested in saving her,” Greg sne

octor to my room in ten minutes, I

in the first pale? You should’ve go

lace in ten seconds, Greg, I swear that your head will

’re not in the posi

sh his statement before he growled

ld. Hadrian picked Rose up in his arms, carrying her bridal style up to his room. He had to deal with the servants who had

her against others. The King, their father, has several concubines but only the children of the three regal wives were considered royalties. The son or daughter of a concubine was considered a bastard and was not allowed to stay in the palace. I

s the emperor was totally wrong. He only successfully placed Hadrian on the top list of his enemies. They would do anything to bring him

er red hair away from her face. The first thing that captivated him about her was her long red straight hair, looking closely now, he could see they were tangled together, a sign that it has been a while since she

hat Rose was his mate. She was a vampire, a half-breed vampire, and va

d towards the door and opened it. It wasn’t who he was expecting. It was Ulrich


t immediately, George showed up

y prince?” Ulrich asked

to treat me before I move to my private residence,” Ulrich didn’t

rian nodded. The three of them watched as Ulric

ure no one knows anything that happened here tonight. If an


person. He knew he wouldn’t as much

s goin

wly, so the physician wouldn’t hear him. Hadrian w

g placed his hand

alked up to them. He touched her face with the back of

er before I get back. Do

y word, you

It was a secluded, private section that could only be accessed by a limited numb

a minimum distance away from the chained King. The King was struggling with the heavy metals that had been used

now, Ulrich.

ful, my

you find an alternative so

if not, he would hurt so many people and th

king myself the sacrificial lamb,” Ulrich bo

matter what, don’t open the door until t

ch bowed one more ti

ed, sneering as he took in his scent. One by one, he removed his father’s chains

receiving end and before the demon h

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