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Teach me my love

Teach me my love


Chapter 1 I shall fk you (1)

Word Count: 648    |    Released on: 16/06/2022

ur boyfriend cheats on your best frie

iously: "he f**ks my girlf

e fut

neck, twisted buttocks, go to bed early and get up early,

p sha

a health song, but as soon as she walked in,

me not to shake?" m

ur boyfriend was taken awa

he suddenly reacted: "what did you say?


t say? who took aw

said four priya in a row. , is to tell her to sto

he actually went to my best frien

ow up, he was

schoolbag on his shoulder into rika's hand: "thank you at the same tab

he classroom, and in the long corridor, moved towards the man

miku made an ok gestur

ag not only shook, but her palms were sweating, and her voice coul

se, miku

a top ten all-rounder, a student representative, there are no

scholarships, a four-eyed dog, but he is very handsome and looks bet

thing is of course that he and her boyfriend li h are budd

classroom of class a of the second year, a boy happened to walk in from t

iku raised a disguised smile, but she

last row of the classroom near the window, and patted the boy lying on

d love letters, gifts, or face-to-face confessions, s

flecting similar conditions, and then there was no mo

om, miku' s eyes followed him. so i s

raise his head at all, her f

will be sent to the door automatically.

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