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Teach me my love

Chapter 7 I'll be kissing you still you stop crying (2)

Word Count: 707    |    Released on: 17/06/2022

r call your mother, or your real mother, don't call your moth

could she be a little mortal fighting against the queen mother, who is in charge of

ol is

ol is

you in fifteen minutes, or you wi

if she flew, she might

ind did mom smo

st a fight with th

ut the words haven't come out yet.

ot give her any chance

could only go back immediately, because she was

stretched out when a black maserati sto

cursed in

was about to scold when the window rol

lack long hair. it made miku suddenly attrac

much, especially the beautiful woman in front of her, who

it mi

saw the beauty, and

i'll take you home

other said that i can't go home with anyone. what i

m roy from class a in the third year." then he

anced at the photo in the ce

senior sister, miku bre

roy added, "don't worry, i won't kidn

est student in this school. thinking of

miku disinfectant and a band-a

you, thinking about how nice this senior


, but luckily he only broke the ski

and-aids and disinfectant with her, does it

iku's phone vibrate

t his phone a

atsapp of the

er [you still h

o whatsapp, fearing that the queen mot

at she is alrea

r a w

r whatsapp message [you are n

he come back in fifteen minutes if he didn't beat t

if this whatsapp message was sent, i am afraid that the quee

oes don't fight

ly, he retur

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