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My Alien Daddies

Chapter 4 Four:

Word Count: 729    |    Released on: 06/09/2022


temper got the best of him, he hasn't meant what he said. The reporter knew what she's talk

it's me, Adrian I'm the one only one who stays at home during the day, Jaxon

ve one but with Jaxon work, Derek being busy and working overnight we couldn't have it yet. We don

one partner takes full responsibility of the littles. We decided to take it slow, but then the question ca

e reporter. As a family we had to make a decision together, how to get out of this, Jaxon's picture is ruined and it's terrible for his career. We decided it's t

o, we didn't mind if we ended up adopting a girl or a boy, but deep inside I

have everything ready, I wasn't stepping down about having a baby, we're going to do this the co

are of a little someone. It wasn't until we got to the feeding part, humans need nutrition, our food is too h

s is a great way to get our chance to adopt higher, I'm the stay-at-ho

or says nodding his head, my husband’s kept it

ad, he always had this temper of

l back or call him off but this time, thi

e middle, I held my hand up, we a

eputation is helping us adopt, let me do my part. We

humans left on our planet and the ones coming from the e

et but he had this look in his eyes, they both gave me a hug crushing me in the middl

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