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My Alien Daddies

Chapter 5 Five:

Word Count: 736    |    Released on: 06/09/2022


usual and added a hairband to them. Finally she carried me downstairs to some kind of an office, and told everyone to line up. When I was t

I stayed quiet though and just observed the people coming in. Some look

ooked nice wearing some fancy clothes, while the guy who must be Derek had a

he came to take me out of here too, Olivia i

, this one wasn't dressed like those two, he

rincess?" The n

ble the word scared, something I'm not supposed to do.

only reached their hips, well I don't even reach Derek's hip. This was way too scary for me, without thinking I s

the ground, now that I was much higher than the floor, I cling to

guy holding me c

s Olivia, she never holds me nicely, she alw

ry" she says, hey! No fair

left my lips sounded wei

e?" the guy nex

for me, I have stopped c

one is Jaxon" the guy holding me introduce them to me, I just nod sti

d dad always said they'll torture us. That never get caught or they'll make you their baby forever, but if I

love for them to take me away, if I d

he paperwork do

axon to another room while the two of the

she?" De

ia answer in the same time,

ungest I see"

temper, refuse to use her diaper, she's a pure nightmare as you can see

toward me, I get scared and hide my face into A

old voice scaring me, well maybe Olivia

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