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Monster Under My Bed

Chapter 2 Failing.

Word Count: 749    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

r P

s smart, he wouldn't allow all of us to go to earth at the same time, we'd rui

to tell them we are demons or forcing them to come with us were all a joke. If Lucifer decided to be nice for once, doesn't me

, he gave up, he said he couldn't get a pet to love him, they feared h

ne knew how to do it, how do you make someone fall for you? It's almost impossible, for demons who never learned how to love, the ones who are used to be feared, it's

hem, you'll never have a chance with them, you can't buy them from the auction hou

I'm not that friendly with the other demons, I hardly have any friends here, there's a reason to why none of us

s my right hand and the only one I tolerate to talk too, Arlo is a good demon, I'm trying t

?" I ask him actually curious to how she did it,

e was human until she fell in love and now they are both in hell" Arlo explains, she's the first one to

I wanted to pet, I wanted a little, I craved that

I knew I couldn't just walk in

d no, it wasn't me, and with me, I ne

ou going to do?"

hem fall for me, just like Lucifer said," I say to

making me smile, maybe I don't tell him everythi

oom, to get the approval of Lucifer, I can't just leave without his permission first. Maybe I'll get

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