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Monster Under My Bed

Chapter 5 Plan.

Word Count: 823    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

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he has a brother called Lucas, not the most dominant, but he helps in the family business, along with him, he's married and have a daughter. A smart girl who loves

to search for love, I'm just hoping she'd be looking for it, the same way I am. Some vampires would wait for years, centuries before starting

d here, to keep all evil out, I couldn't get in, not as a demon I couldn't. But that doesn't mean I don't have my ways to g

here I can crash in it, I started my search, I would take an abandoned place, maybe a room I could crash in, anywhere. But lucky me, I found a place that was em

ut my favourite has always been getting to their dreams, we could get inside, mess with their dreams, give them nightmares, give them sweet dreams, get to know them. Our prese

a way to get to her, a way to get her to know me without being afraid

, to get in a sleep like state, I'll be vulnerable to any hurt or danger, while my soul is looking up for Arianna, a risk I'm willing to take. It took me a few minutes to find my centre, to get myself

they aren't coming from her, I kept moving until the noises g

now, it'll be our secret" I heard her say making me s

gave me ten spankings" the other voic

wing I could see them without them seeing me. She was beautiful,

ankings, you don't know how m

he says her voice shifting to a

ease her, I saw something shift in her eyes, the way the wo

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