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Billionaires Don't Love

Chapter 3 Kicked out

Word Count: 1142    |    Released on: 20/07/2022

ghtly parted curtains and fell directly on his

dnight. That was his usual nature. Anytime he was stressed or bothered, he overworked to take his mind off the i

o the bathroom. He took a quick brush and made his way downstairs to start his day. His morning was always

forgotten to turn off the music. He grabbed h

rent sections that housed the different departments of the company. He stepped out of his car looking smart in a designer-tailored blue suit and made his

my email, I will check it out.” he ordere

was a young lady of twenty-eight and has been working as h

e had made to his staff, especially his secretary, his cup of coffee should be on his table before 8:00 AM and he took

for his secretary whose office

ice. He doesn’t always call for her except he

nd she looked at her watch before resp

to the office today?”

the problem was before she looked at

e tried apologizing

r salary this month.” He stated in a tone of fi

o and since then, she has ma

g some documents on the table, took off his suit, and sat on his executive chair. Few seconds later, a

he finance depar

Zack holdin

with the Inves

s a rule in the company to hold a meeting with his investors w

r boss had been pestering her for a sexual relationship for some months now and she had been refusing all his attempts. He got frustrated and promised to make her pay. She was supposed to get a big gig to interv

him.” She wept, buryin

ck at her. She screamed into the pillow as she continued cr

, the company had offered her employment and she accepted. Her work was going on fine until he was promoted to be the head of her department and since then, it has been hell for he

tes that I’m sacked.” She stated like she wa

ocked looking down at

screamed in tears while he sat back on his

he questioned with the same evil smile on his face

She seethed and he laughed befo

smug smile showing off his ugly dentition. “Accept my te

showing him her middle finger

sacked she had spent the following evenings at the bar close to her home. She would

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