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Billionaires Don't Love

Chapter 4 Dinner at home

Word Count: 1058    |    Released on: 20/07/2022

aying the information on the projector in the room. They were in the middle of a financial audit with their investors. After his meeting with Zack holdings had ended, he

. He looked to be around his early sixties with a few strands of grey hairs scattered on his head. He spo

est was worth two hundred million dollars”

ility. All money was rightly accounted for, and this was w

done with the meeting. Jack stayed behind to

The investor who had been asking questions durin

d. “I don’t think I h

ght three percent shares some month ago.” He expl

e stated before going

s thirty minutes after five and he was set to go home. After his meeting with the investors, he settled back in his office an

She respond

front of the building. He pressed a key on the remote control and the locks opened. He th

e had pulled his phone out of his pocket. He placed the

” she asked in her usual ch

getting into the driver sea

you to come over.” She said and g

one thing his mother loved doing

make it.” He responded, kicking the engi

ut, and his mother was still treating him like a teenager. She was really against the idea of moving out, she literally begged and tried to convince him to stay but he refused. He chuckle

r the first one year before he got into a relationship and had to limit it so has to make time for his then-girlfriend. After finding out a

highway into the small beautifully decorated road that led to his parent’s estate. The road was decorated with beautiful flowers by the side and tall green trees that glistened under the solar-powered lights that illuminated the road. It was basically quiet and peaceful. His father had bought the land while he was still a public servant. It was n

itely declined. He parked his car in the garage before stepping out. He took a little walk, admiring the house. His father had spent a lot of time and resources in building it. There was a large pool by the left

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