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Chronicles of a History

Chapter 2 David's Dismay

Word Count: 1554    |    Released on: 12/08/2022

from the sheep. "He has no longer been getting one single dime, which means he's been working so hard for free. I think all o

elves in big trouble and will end up losing our allowances, as well," Otto replied

t's happening. All he does is work and study his

fixed up, ASAP. So, you should stop worrying so much. You should stop talking,

id approaching the small pasture they were in. "Oh, look! He's back. You should go, now. W

ndle it fine, by myself. Just bring me somet

e plenty of mi

acked the back o

plenty of milk, will you, wise guy?" he r

on the upset look on David's face, while dismounting his red bicycle. He also

ng around. "You got it started without me, huh? You know Pops doesn't like that, because yo

hing. And what's with those books?" Johann inquir

about it, but totally missing the spot. He handed the belt with the books to Johann

would she get you brand new books? It's not lik

light brown eyes got watery, so he turned his back to Johann and w

Johann i

have plenty of free time

u less work at the farm, since y

oded his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. He held back the sobs, but Johann could tell he was cryi

er seen you cry, before!" Johann demanded, truly concerned abo

le minutes, and I'll be right there to help you

d make whatever was troubling his brother so much just go away and never come back. David hugged him

d thought that it was about time David had returned from his teacher's h

oing your job? All that wool ain't gonna pick itself up and take itself to the crates it should be in!" Ettel s

boys, breaking them up. They both swiftly stoo

r got me. But we'll go back to work this instant. Right, Yo-yo?" David lied and poked Johann

began, but was in

between his teeth, grabbing the back o

by his left side. Both the boys looked at Ettel's hand on David's chest, looked at each other

the milking. I'll stay here and handle

him! We weren't playing around or

ep some other time. Go!" Ettel said, putting his hand down from David's chest

oo far to hear them. Then David finally tur

d me now. I'm not going to te

it open, pulled one cigarette out and put it between his lips. Then he stuck the pack of cigarettes back into the same pocket, tapped his other pockets, searching for his lighter, as if he had all the time in the world, foun

ting and watching his father's slow m

ew out the smoke, without turning to David, "now that he's gon

distracted talking about them, that's—" Ettel prevented David from finishing his sentence, by sudd

topped right in front of his son, facing him, merely ten inches between them. "Do you like wasti

ther's deep voice was r

t—" David stuttered, as he did every time

ill the beans, son. Go straight to the point,"

said, and then t

notice. I'm not blind, I'm not dumb. And I know it's not the allowance issue, because you

you know, I went over Ms. Fletcher


cked on her

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