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Chronicles of a History

Chapter 4 Staying for Tea and Cookies -- Part 2

Word Count: 1183    |    Released on: 12/08/2022

tting the feeling that what he was about to hear wasn't going to

ant me to

d. "Yes,

no idea what she was talking about. Then she accused me of being neglectful of my students and not being aware of what they do right under my nose. I tried to talk some sense into her, but unfortunately I wasn't succ

is face into his palms. He begged for a huge hole to open right t

ed, then stood up from her chair, sat by him on

her," he said and sat up straight, trying to get

pale, dear. I'm going

etcher. I'm okay, real

her from her decision and make her understand that no one's put any ideas in your head. But she was utterly inflexible. I am not going to give up that easily, th

s it's impossible to reason with her, because she just doesn'

some experience dealing with people l

sorry about that, by the way! I don't want her going off on you again. You do

y…" She got up and jogged her way out of the living room. A couple minutes later, she came back with four books in her hands. "I got you these. Two

yes lit up, as he took the books and gave the

's my pleasure. You're one of my best students

I'm talente


's the nicest thing someo

You're such a remar

p, because he remembered he had to go back home,

t I'm not supposed to stay

ad a cookie, Mister!" s

okies and the books, but especially for insisting on standing up for me, even when that means you're

ere for. And it's no problem at all. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, I p

ouse, then?!" His eyes lit

t an invitati

, drop by any time you feel like it!" he said,

and bright smile on her face, and David thought she had got to be the most beautiful woman in

t!" he said,

er. "Which reminds me that I'm not supposed to keep you from your

back home, thinking of how much he loved being in Ms. Fletcher's company, and how sorry he was that he had t


everything that

a talk, later today. She shouldn't have done anything without my consent, let alone behind my ba

I swear! I just cou

at it's like. But that d

How could yo

s many times." Ettel put his hat back on, pulled David to his side and pu

been shorn by Johann and Otto, and then

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