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Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 1042    |    Released on: 17/11/2022

rsation with any of her professors outside the lecture room. She was happy that

nderstand why she did that but she decided to go for it since she was already up, s

lectures. Today she sat there looking without buying any coffee. Carried away in

dropping a cup of coffee on the table, Riley looked out the window lo

thoughts was standing in front of her looking stunning in a brown suit and his hair nea

table, so I thought..." he stat

lowed, and pressed her legs under the table. Just his manly scent turned her

ied, and walked away, Riley watched him leave,

heart had been pounding after that, she scanned the

cted her to an empty seat,

athed, dropping h

va asked, hearing

hs heavily, holdi

's arm wraps

g her best to shrug her off, what is she going to say? She's

the cafe," she said, as

he classroom, she recognized his voice, and Riley immediately

ith— the sassiest girl she could ever know, she just didn'

irl beside her replied— Fion

r and replied,

" Eva said, Riley looked

t" She

dreamy like a knight in shiny armour, his lips were moist and pink as he spoke, he must have used lip bal

er soul as he called, and she adjusted, blinking s

by that like he expected her to figure the topic out by herself, there was a smirk at the

" he asked, and then smiled, now he knew she

d around and eve

, he didn't even remember her surname. "Miss S

she immediately defe

ntoned, shutting his boo

furrowing her brows at her, what was she doing? Sh

t or?" he said, a

uses and at least one subordinate clause," she spat, his eyes da

ble" he looked a

ate each other, you can't be hating a professor right now, it's the fi

while Daniel was unable to take a look at

ked, seeing her m

mething," she said, whispering. Ev

attendance, as it would also be part of my ass

your class," Rita said,

Smith" a small lau

on" Fion

fter the attendance, you're free to leave the

ook a while and he finally h

, Eva looked at her an

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