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Chapter 7 SEVEN

Word Count: 1043    |    Released on: 08/01/2023

ey's heart skipped, she had never been to the 10

e a height"

ut of the elevator and turned back to her. "You're such a lovely young lady, if b

eplied with a smile, and

ven know which number was her house. S

, and Riley stepped out. Looking around s

" "You don't need to pay me rent, you can just work and have fun with your money,"_ Riley took a

he shook her head, and he

, remembering how she was going to go back to Miss Carter's club and share the store room with those rats, she could barely sleep

ll, Riley looked beside her a

was she doing here, was she here for cleaning? Riley th

me? you call me mother?" She asked

to speak, but the words fro

ou seeing a married man?" She a

iley stron

It's for the rich and those with parents" She stated, Riley's


ed her hands, Riley's eyes scanned around, and everyone that p

t..." Riley yelled, b

und now?" Miss Sage s

!" Rile

wonder what a girl like you w

ftened, and she furr

?" She asked wi

aised her hands and a slap landed on Ril

" Mrs Sage cleared. "Mother? What gives you t

Sage was the least she could think about. Mrs Claudia Sage

ll me how you're mom would be proud" This comment had always made Riley angry but sh

ys ago she had thought about going back home, but

blew but Riley sat there, and h

r thoughts were scattered and filled with hatred. She had

r was scattered, and his face covered in dirty, he had d

asked, and quickly got

a step forward, every step he

e reeked liquor, his br

erson" he said,

ing around the area was quiet and she a

asked, pointing. Riley followed his h

ked, staring at him, she caught h

e keeps coming

?" She asked, stepping backwards, she was sc

h you?" He asked still

ry, I do

with speed, and caught

lled, and brok

t, Riley's legs moved backwards faster as she prepa

up her phone and runs

nd headed towards the elevator never loo

pped out, breathing hard and her body

arathon, and once the door opened she rushed inside, and the

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