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My Possessive Husband

Chapter 2 My Possessive Husband

Word Count: 1443    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

your husband to do that to you? Oh hey! Don't be a martyr! Love is b

ble to do everything my husband wants, maybe th

that you're sexier and smoother than your wife's women! There's o

's mi

r husband will fall

e said. I seem to hate thos

I can't

ned it into a horse. "Ohh... ahhh... ahhh... go ahead! Go ahead, Zedrick! Press more!” he said wi

doing is disgusting!"

m your modesty. Do you really want to lose your handsome and muscular husban

oose to be together for the rest of your life, you should be respected as a woman. Whatever you can do, he should accept it. But unlike Zedrick, most of the time when we have sex, h

that he is married, many people are still crazy about my husband. I know all that. Because of the whole year we were together, I did nothing but compare myself to my wife's becoming women. I like stalking on the internet, so I know that the women who do business with my husband are not only interested in business, but there are other reasons that I don't want to look at a

rprised when someone s

food," he

. I turned behind me but it wasn't a ghost who spoke, but Zedrick who was seriously standing behind me. How long has he been

” I exclaimed after standing up from my

do you ask that question?"

e. I mean it's our house, so

at question, I turned around to take his plate. It sat next to my seat which surprised me even more. It's

at me, so my tongue seemed to freeze and I couldn't speak right away. "Troy is

seen Troy in a long time because he is in America assigned as head officer of the military. Troy has a different attit

ome?” I said in shock, c

me before, but I didn't answer him because I li

get dressed later because our trip is early tomorro

cation, but I will be with my husband for three days. Maybe this is my ch

aybe it thinks I'm happy because we're going to La Union for Troy. But what he doesn't know is that I'm happy because in a while I'll be able to go on vacation wit

ly stood up. It was only a few bite

e?!" I stamm

ithout saying a word he left an

o lost my appetite so I just put the leftover food away and put it in the fridge. I'm sure the dog will bene

bed early because he said he had nothing to do at the office. That's still work when it comes home. I sighed and went to the bathroom to brush my t

not thin either. You have a breast and an ass. But why

I went out, Zedrick was still there at his desk and was busy studying the document. If I was a bad husband, I would have grabbed those papers and torn them up in front of him.

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