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My Possessive Husband

Chapter 4 My Possessive Husband

Word Count: 1220    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

more in the chest to see your husband have a cold, than you will have financial problems. After I drank it, he took the glass from me. "Get dressed and we're leaving. E

a bath, tears welled up in my eyes that I couldn't stop. It's so painful to see that my husband doesn't rea

aw that I was ready, he opened the door for me to enter and waited for me to board. I slowly rode because I knew that kind of beha

t nothing came out of his mouth as to why I was in such a

't look at him because I hate him. Now that we are together, I still

ick asked me after g

plied irritably before turning to the windo

the car engine. We didn't say

, his cell phone rang that was resting on the side of his chair. I looke

Who is

and turned off the cellphone. I was

d not you answer?" I

," he answered

ou're too shy to answer the

cellphone again and opened it. He

denly my tongue went numb. "What? Are you going to talk or not?” he asked me

ick's wife. Who is this

My boss is asking if Sir Zedrick is availab

driving. Embarrassed, I answere

re on vacation, so

ause of my response. I don't know how to

y." After the conversation, he hung up. Embarrassed, I

phone and put it back to where it was b

were just entering the resort and Troy greeted u

to me to open the door. That's why I took the initiative to get out of the car. Troy glance

Did I change a lot and he di

t still evident on his face. I went closer and kissed his cheek but I saw that Zedrick had a bad look on hi

, long time no see. How

he said, still

was surprised when he sudd

you getting marrie

ing of me. I think he just did this to me that'

ch mates are inside. Let's go inside," Troy said to us. Troy walked ahead while I informed Zedrick th

, I immediately s

Are you here?

why I underestimated Troy." It winked at me so I got what it meant. In that case, Raquel will do everything so that Zedrick and I can have time to take a vacation. It

batch mate, but I'm not that close. Because this is on

here!” It approached Zedrick and kissed. "Long time

was still looking at the chest of the person in front of him because he

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