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Ex Boyfriend

Chapter 2 Ex Boyfriend

Word Count: 949    |    Released on: 17/02/2023

o we started spooning food to each other. We were still laughing while

ike there is fun

this. He put down the plate

to celebrate because Aira has graduated fr

duated at the same time as

ly shoved the food in my mouth an

" I said after

type of girl who does nothing but eat." After

hat he said. Ate Eva and

chubby? Why does Sir Sean l

hat does he care if I

might hear us talking about him. Oh, that's going to

inue eating when we'

of what Sean said. Why did he tell me tha

and though

titude. Unlike his father, I always hear them arguing because Sean is always doing something bad. It's a shame for the family that their son is always involved in trouble—especially since his father is still a governor. Sean just had to adjust his behavior so that his father's name would not be ruined by many people. I didn't tell my friends that I knew Sean

otice me a

hen I said that beca

at, son? Wh

d grimacing as I took anoth

n tasks. I was not disappointed and he immediately helped me get a job. Madam brought me in as her son Sean's professional assistant. I was a bit hesitant because it might be difficult for me if Sean becomes m

will be easy. If you can't do it, just say so. I

em. They sent me to school,

me, Madam. I wil

led at my

you are doing this for your future, and I am glad that you have a dream in life. Just fix your work, I'll take

he will also support my collage studies. If so, I can e

you so much..." I couldn't help b

that to Mama. It rejo

inding you, you can fall in love with others but never fall in love with

love? It was so impossible fo

you're telling me right aw

you're on your period, I'

. Because that thi

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