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Ex Boyfriend

Chapter 5 Ex Boyfriend

Word Count: 1309    |    Released on: 17/02/2023

taste you for a moment." He said

mells like my hair. I couldn't scream because I could clearly see the knife h

e up and that's when I saw the man who had groped me flinch. It turned out to be kicked in the face by a man who suddenly appeared in that pl

punching the man until he lost consciousness. After the man lost consciousness, he walked away without saying a w

d out, Sean was scolded by Gov. Sean is prohibited from using the car and the internet or an

him but I can't see his face. I told that to Mama and Ate Eva, bu

needs me more because there is no one else who will be his son's assistant and supporter. Madam said she likes me more because she says I'm used to it and can trust me in everything. So Madam asked me to stay until she found someone to replace me as an assis

ng anything to win the upcoming polls. Don't yo

close to Sean to ask him if we could go for a w

o have been tested? What that person is doing

that out of 10, you are only 1 point. Don't you know that your enemy is there in Baranggay Sa

ey open their mouths. But in the polls, those in their hearts will sti

't visit them. Why don't you imitate him, take people's heart. Show them you deserve it. You're not just here at home and you just went out when you thought about it! If you lose the polls, I might disown yo

till a bit of a bad mood, the eyebrow

ame is too fragrant!” I he

w?” I ask here. It looked at me and drank water

here that animal i

t seem like it will fight fairly because it will

n to me."It doesn't seem good for us to go here, why don't we just go

e area where Sea

ere. And how does he win people's hearts,"

now why there are many people. I thought o

eople who were gat

at's there?

check up, that's

he name of Se

at so, is

ose who checke

thank you

gets people. He pro

Sean what I found out. So Sean

for help. Sean will provide free glasse

barangay hall for what he thought was an appeal to the people. But only a few people went, others said that there were only a fe

aid to give out milk for babies. So Sean thought of giving away diapers. Many people w

because I beat him to my diaper." Sean said laughing

You must do things that are not put thr

e ran was to fight me. So who is that

check on him yet. But I'll find

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