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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1140    |    Released on: 20/03/2023



ritated teenager didn't work well for me. I'm almost an adult, but there was no mate for me in sight, I was feeling irritated, angry, and in need of a fight. Keiran didn't take my challenge well, he was ready to fight me back,

neck, challenging his power, Keiran would have killed them, he would no doubt have had them dead. But since we are brothers, he didn't do it,

s in her firm alpha voice, everyone was now looking

o of us, we weren't puppies anymore, she can't just order us around, except that s

ence anymore, it's just us now, Keiran finally allowed me to get up, he shift

olf was still near the surface, I can't hold him back, I'm s

taking a step in front of me, I could challenge my brother, we are siblings we

won't simply scold me or pin me down as Keiran did, she'd either kill me or kick me out of her pack, she got every right to do so, I decided to pull down, I looked dow

wrong with me, why I'm so pissed, but toward my mother, I couldn

going toward my face, my eyes closed allowing my mother's aura

say not knowing how to finish that

rting the walk back home, I had my car still in town, but the w

y car?" I ask her,

walk the whole way home, well mom decided to make us walk it, a twenty-minute w

g she won't be that happy with me, the talk we were about to have isn't a nice one. I saw Jacob in the living room,

eal?" I ask hi

off on my little," he says with an angry growl, bu

m, I didn't make Kiara cry, maybe I was a

ue to the push, I pushed him too, the fight was starting that w

walk, instead she dragged me upstairs to her office, now both I and my wolf feel like puppies about

p, stopping me from talking, I looked at

re a reason? Something I should know?" she asks me, there wasn't any

her looking down to th

ay?" she asks me, she wasn't angry, she wasn't using her al

e truth, I don't know, I just am, she

training with some other pack," mom says, I lo

.." I

to the black-thorn pack," mom says, I felt li

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