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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1110    |    Released on: 20/03/2023



get kicked out of my pack, out of the only life that I know. I know we all get sent to other packs to train, Jacob has been to three packs before Kiara, and one after she joined our p

me, I was sitting in the kitchen, simply loo

I was the opposite, I'm still pissed,

I'm sure you'll enjoy it," Kei says, of course, he knows

going back to looki

me smile, but I didn't mind my birthday, the day when I could f

I haven't gone on training to many other packs is Ashlynn, mom didn't want

ater would only make her angrier, she won't be able to annoy mother into not sending me there, but right

at me, but she can't stay mad, tonight she'll be ok

ith a raised brow, I ne

uld help me," I say, training means I'll get a chance to

any of his wolves, or hurting any, he got my word on you behaving," Ke

omise, crossing my f

as stopped by a little thing r

s hugging him ti

can snitch on Jacob to our alpha, most days, she's the on

re chocolate," she says with a b

smiled looking at them, I want this, I want to h

olding one finger up,

k her, knowing she

me she holds three fingers

says not falling for her games, knowin

rann..." she whines on

dinner," I say, I didn't want to make a big fuss about my birthday, esp

?" she asks me

not such a foreign concept, we a

ys on the verge of tears again, this t

, she's going to start crying and t

nt toward his room, going to call him, I was st

more about claiming his mate and about how a mated couple works together. I don't blame him, I've spent the whole last year readi

me, he didn't hold any har

sentence, he threw his book away, standing up,

concern, I was craving that, to care for someone that way, I

ck to run downstairs to meet up with her, I ignored them now, in just a few days, I'll be gone f

my eyes closed, I didn't hear her comi

he's talking to me now

ing on top of me, hugging me tight, I

say, I needed this, I n

have your own room, I'm moving to kiki's old room," she s

only answer I c

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