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My husband's Brother

Chapter 4 I will kill her for lying to me!

Word Count: 2568    |    Released on: 26/04/2023

t suffocated inside his car, and she didn’t like it at all. She did n

f her flower shop, she quickly get

aid seriously as she tried to o

ch with m

to Lincoln. “W-what did you

er.” Again, he said whi

“You’re sleep deprived.” She rol

know that.” He unlocked the door for her. “

and then hurriedly

r her Flower Shop whe


at Lincoln, who was sticking

two weeks.” He informed her. “Get


the young man had left her, and

at man was not sta

mind asked. ‘You’re ju

man would ruin her not-so-peaceful life. She could feel it and she kn

she grabbed h

... I m

r life wouldn’t be painful, and his family wouldn’t be bot

eave her alo

left.” She whispered in the

so she looked up and blinked. Nothing would ch

Lincoln at the table for two in Starka Restaurant. He wou

e couldn’t stop asking when th

then stared at her. “Why? Does my

I don’t want you in the house? And you agreed and promis

er emotionally. The pain that his par

ose. “Then I’m breaking

ou go to a hotel? I’m sure you can

’t wan

d w

l be sur

. Then you’re used to stay

your bu

. My. B

ked. “H

the house, damn it.

ancestral house of Lennox and my parents, you’re just livin


In that case, I’ll take care of the hote

n, Lorelei, what’s the big deal? Th

cause she was angry. “You are the type of person who lacks attention. And it is your hobb

apped his chin. “You become

d at him.

t her. “I’m still staying in

g to book

ce had a warning, “You don

dly look, it was

gestured to the food that had cooled due to their argum

e. She kept on

nd took a spoonful of food from her pl

brother I’ll take care of you.” He

n entered the restroom. She needs to calm h

to calm herself. And it worked right away. W

the loss of her husband and the bad treatment of her family. Three years after Lennox’

approaching her table with Lincoln, she stopped walking when she saw that Lincoln was tal

em, she couldn’t help but hea

That girl said. “I ho

. “I’m sorry, Amber,

nt to be with you again.

coln’s lips didn’t disappear. Poor g

come back to their table. She c

p when the door of her small office opened, and Lincoln entered. She t

en’t had breakfast and lunch yet.” He sat in the v

ord and just conti

ing to you.” His v

e the young man, but

old voice. “I’m pretty sure that you can do whatever business you h

o eat?” This was a

“Maybe there’s poison in

od up and walked a

es fell on the paper bag. She quickly opened it, and her eyes widened

as confusi

e went straight to the Love Cafe, where

ady there wa

u.” Gwen said to her as she s

up and looked at th

container of Carbonara inside it. I

Cafe so much?” Her fac

her arm. “Because they’re funny. They’re also food containers, hea

Cafe by being free.

oyal customer of this Café for two years,

ed softly. “Yo

y, why did you meet me tod

ew her

oln is in the city, and he wi

ou okay? That whole family must be working

ouse. Lennox and I made memories in that house and I’m not yet ready to let go and move on.” She took a deep br

air. “That’s not a problem, go

a hotel while he’s staying in the house. I think that guy wants to torture

You’re going to afraid of him?” This was a mocking questi

was right. Would she let Li

crambled the invitation she received yesterday at t

your husband’s parents, that’s bad for your health. I know why you can’t leave that ho

issed her on the cheek. “Thank yo

u t

rted eating what she had ordered. After

s in the living room, and it looked like he was planning to ruin her nigh

ediately said that,

nd.” She refrained

There was doub

ought I wouldn’t feel your presenc

one else.” There was st

bluntly. “That I’m with another man


“I love my husband. And you have no right to question that.” A

y seeks her wedding

h and let it out carefully. The

r bag and took ou


ly temporarily, she could rest. But she would also return... she would return to Lennox. She jus

his phone ringing. Although slee

s this?” He asked the p

is Ant

et up from the bed. Antonio Matron

n the nightstand. “It’s just nine and half in the

complaints. “Lorelei Del Pier

eyebrows met. “Wh

gned an agreement that whatever happens i

No, she d

did. Just n

She said she was not interested to come.” That was h

like she changed her mind. She’s of



l her for l

on her. No one will force her to do what she doesn’t want to do, but you know th

any part of Lorelei’s body. I will

nd, who put you in charge of her body? Last time

ation. “Who sent the

ilent for a s

opened the attaché case that he had taken from Cecilio because he had forgotten it and Cecilio gave him that when he was a


tes using my invitatio

. “Well, Cecilio has

nother. “Send the chopper

hat, my

r line disappeared, Lincoln

t thinking straight and for sett

en, my innocent re

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